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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

[ Edited ]

@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

I love Match Game but I've seen them all twice now. Enough already.

My biggest complaint might be on TCM where they have millions of movies to show. Please show some we haven't seen or they put them on in the middle of the night and I'm sleeping.



I agree about TCM..... I love in the early morning or afternoon when they sometimes show these "little gems" with perhaps actors that we don't really know, but the plots are so well written and the acting is good as well, and the movie is so enjoyable to watch...


I remember one day they were highlighting the movies of actress Virginia Bruce (never heard of her)....but the stories were so good....lots of twists, turns and unexpected when TCM does this....And Ginger Rogers had some good movies without Fred Astaire, and Barbara Stynwyck made some "gems" too....



wish they'd do more of it rather than seeing The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, The African Queen, His Girl Friday, Breakfast At Tiffany, Best Years Of Our Lives, The Godfather, etc etc.... once again....

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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

Anything but reality shows. Old game shows just seem silly to me too.

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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

[ Edited ]

TCM has a message board where someone has an explanation of which movies are shown or not shown and why. Ted Turner, video library,leasing movies,etc. just google the question for a more detailed explanation. @Spurt @luvmyteddy4 

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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

Friends (gag)

Everybody Loves Raymond


Golden Girls

Law and Order SVU


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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

Seinfeld, Cheers, Friends

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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

@Spurt wrote:

@luvmyteddy4 wrote:

I love Match Game but I've seen them all twice now. Enough already.

My biggest complaint might be on TCM where they have millions of movies to show. Please show some we haven't seen or they put them on in the middle of the night and I'm sleeping.



I agree about TCM..... I love in the early morning or afternoon when they sometimes show these "little gems" with perhaps actors that we don't really know, but the plots are so well written and the acting is good as well, and the movie is so enjoyable to watch...


I remember one day they were highlighting the movies of actress Virginia Bruce (never heard of her)....but the stories were so good....lots of twists, turns and unexpected when TCM does this....And Ginger Rogers had some good movies without Fred Astaire, and Barbara Stynwyck made some "gems" too....



wish they'd do more of it rather than seeing The Maltese Falcon, Casablanca, The African Queen, His Girl Friday, Breakfast At Tiffany, Best Years Of Our Lives, The Godfather, etc etc.... once again....

I catch some of the French and Italian movies during the night that are really good. One of my favorites is Cinema Paradiso. 


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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

Any  old quizz show  like the match game  on 50 years ago kmowing most of the stars and contestants are probably dead by now.


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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

No need to be "sick of seeing on repeats." Just don't watch them; there is plenty else to watch.
Thus I'm not sick of any repeats and don't understand why anyone would be!
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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

You all are going old school.  LOL  I never see any of those except I used to watch Golden Girls but quit because I've seen them so many times.


I'm going with The Big Bang Theory and King of Queens.      

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Re: Old shows that you are sick of seeing on repeats

I lost my TCM 2 months ago  since I have Comcast, but in all honesty, i have to agree, so many repeats over and over on there, I really feel I am not missing much right now. Of course, I would still love to have it back but not for $10 more per month.