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It's final. There will definitely not be a RHONY Reunion. Some sources say the Housewives didn't want one, and other sources say they went out on a high note, and they want to keep it that way....


To me there wouldn't be enough to discuss, and I remember hearing that Ramona really didn't want one at all......I am not at all unhappy about this......They need to start working on next season! 

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It's final. There will definitely not be a RHONY Reunion. Some sources say the Housewives didn't want one, and other sources say they went out on a high note, and they want to keep it that way....


To me there wouldn't be enough to discuss, and I remember hearing that Ramona really didn't want one at all......I am not at all unhappy about this......They need to start working on next season! 

they'll be taking a long time off... and why in the world does Ramona get a pass? She's really horrible. 


Still sticking with my original theory: cast was too small, all the bit players were given starring roles and they're just not up to the job. 


Too bad they tasked Eboni with all the heavy lifting this season ... she's entirely too intelligent to be hanging with these women. 


I still can't stand Leah, she's too young (as is Eboni) and just doesn't fit in with the vibe of RHONY. 


Clever of them to announce this over the weekend, right?  

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Won't miss it at all. All they do is yell abt the same stuff . And who needs to hear a constant lecture


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Re: No RHONY Reunion!

[ Edited ]

Something happened and I don't believe Andy's/Bravo's excuse that there were scheduling conflicts and they just couldn't do it.  Especially since just recently Andy announced they were going to start filming the reunion and wanted viewers to tweet in questions and comments. 


My best guess is the tweets and comments weren't what was expected and the reunion was scrapped.  I think Ramona took a lot of heat in the comments/questions and being that she's on the off-shoot real housewives Girls' Trip, they don't want Ramona in the hot seat at the reunion for her behavior because she would end up looking worse than she already does.   


I also think there was a lot of backlash over Eboni and her constant teaching and preachings and people have had it with Leah so that took care of that.  


Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if they didn't hush hush start filming it,and it wasn't going well so they stopped and decided against it.



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A wise choice. As far as I'm concerned, there was barely a season, why would there be a reunion. This one has hit the skids.

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Well boo hoo.  But seriously, I am disappointed.  True, other than the teaching and preaching nothing much went on.  I really didn't care much for Dershawn(sp?), she was like a fish outta water here, and I like Eboni as a person, but didn't want to be lectured every week either.


The OG's Ramona, Sonja and Luann (almost forgot her name) just kinda went along for the ride this season.  Leah was too angry and not fun enough.


So I guess its just as well, but call me crazy - I do look forward to my HW's - BH, OC, NJ and NYC.  Not big on Dallas, Utah, Atlanta or Potomac (have never watched one episode of Potomac).  Looks like Vanderpump Rules will be starting again to fill this void.  Yes, I am too old for VR but I have watched it from the beginning and its just routine if I see it on.  I do like Sandoval.

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So they only cancelled the reunion (low ratings from the season).  Darn, I hoped they would cancel the entire show.

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I agree with @Lipstickdiva and think there is more to the story.

Of course there has to be a reason why a traditional reunion was cancelled.

Andy did say there would be one so something is up.

I  am sure we will never know the real reason.

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I don't think I am really surprised.  What is there really for them to talk about.  The last show they had them all acting like they were having fun together and that they all get along.  


The "education" part everyone is over.  Do they tell Ramona that she is obnoxious again?  Leah is just not interesting so what is there to watch?  There has to be drama or it won't be interesting.  I wouldn't be surprised if LouAnn and Ramona said they would not come if "race" is a topic.  



I think they need to come up with a better group for next year.  I still think Bethany may be back and she will bring in a few new other ones. 

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