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Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

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Happy Labor Day! Not much to report from the BB madhouse. Things have been relatively quiet. The houseguests re-enacted the dances they did for their opening videos. Jessica can't understand why anyone would want her out of the house. Nicole encouraged her to campaign to stay and even lied and told her she was very articulate. (Well, to be fair, Nicole typically associates with kids who have severe issues speaking, so in comparision Jess is articulate. Just not for an adult.) Tommy will be using the POV today to save Christie. Cliff will go up in her place. Tommy and Christie have been quietly working to get Cliff made the target, but Jackson isn't buying what they're selling. Even if Tommy and Christie vote out Cliff, Holly and Nicole will vote out Jess and Jackson will break the tie and keep Cliff.


At this moment if looks like it'll be Cliff, Holly and Nicole competing against Tommy and Christie for HOH in the double eviction. The DE is the perfect time to get rid of Jackson, but if Tommy and Christie keep pushing to get rid of Cliff, they may move ahead of Jackson as targets for Cliff and Nicole. I'm personally still in favor of a Cliff, Holly and Nicole final three which is still possible. Splitting up Tommy and Christie in the double isn't a bad idea either. Thursday's show should be pretty fun to watch.

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I hope I get to see the show Thursday but it will probably be more football. It seems this time of year football always pre empts BB.

Your final 3 is okay with me. I just am afraid that Christie will be there as she keeps getting saved. They have had many times they could have got her out but did not do it.

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@CLHS68 wrote:

I hope I get to see the show Thursday but it will probably be more football. It seems this time of year football always pre empts BB.

Your final 3 is okay with me. I just am afraid that Christie will be there as she keeps getting saved. They have had many times they could have got her out but did not do it.

You should be okay with football now. The only game on Thursday is the Bears/Packers and that'll be on NBC not CBS. Our Sunday shows will probably start a bit later and at irregular times due to games running late, but this Thursday's show should be on at the regular time with no disruption. 


Christie could very well make the final three or she could be gone in the double eviction on Thursday. Whoever wins that HOH will be in a very powerful position. The POV comp is typically the ball comp where the POV (or something like a clown shoe) is in the ball pit and they have to dig through the balls to find it. I don't see Christie being good at that. Tommy could be good at it, but if Christie is on the block, Tommy is likely to be there alongside of her. Tommy would save himself then. That HOH on Thursday is very, very big. On one side you likely have Cliff, Nicole and Holly playing versus Christie and Tommy. Would Tommy want to win it? He seems pretty happy floating through the game not winning HOH. We could see the HOH come down to Christie against Cliff, Nicole and Holly.


Right now, my gut says the Cliff, Nicole, Holly, Jackson foursome is pretty solid and will stay loyal until four or five. Jackson will likely win HOH at four or five and then be vulnerable afterwards and get the boot. A lot will depend on who wins HOH this week in the double eviction. I think Cliff, Nicole and Holly will all put up Tommy and Christie if they win HOH. I think Christie and Tommy would put up Holly and Jackson. It should be a good show on Thursday.

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:

Happy Labor Day! Not much to report from the BB madhouse. Things have been relatively quiet. The houseguests re-enacted the dances they did for their opening videos. Jessica can't understand why anyone would want her out of the house. Nicole encouraged her to campaign to stay and even lied and told her she was very articulate. (Well, to be fair, Nicole typically associates with kids who have severe issues speaking, so in comparision Jess is articulate. Just not for an adult.) Tommy will be using the POV today to save Christie. Cliff will go up in her place. Tommy and Christie have been quietly working to get Cliff made the target, but Jackson isn't buying what they're selling. Even if Tommy and Christie vote out Cliff, Holly and Nicole will vote out Jess and Jackson will break the tie and keep Cliff.


At this moment if looks like it'll be Cliff, Holly and Nicole competing against Tommy and Christie for HOH in the double eviction. The DE is the perfect time to get rid of Jackson, but if Tommy and Christie keep pushing to get rid of Cliff, they may move ahead of Jackson as targets for Cliff and Nicole. I'm personally still in favor of a Cliff, Holly and Nicole final three which is still possible. Splitting up Tommy and Christie in the double isn't a bad idea either. Thursday's show should be pretty fun to watch.

I am looking forward to Thursday's show @gardenman .

Jess is a moron and I never believed she had a leg up on the memory competition ; even she thought it was funny. But the fact that she was shown falling over and over again last night was humiliating and I wondered if production disliked her enough to make her look foolish. She is not the worse person who has been in the house. Remember the photographer who was in Derrick's seasons. Everything about Jess annoys me (they picked up on her 'like,like,like,etc ' last night) but to make her look foolish just for ratings 

doesn't seem right. I didn't laugh. Think Julie will mention the like ?

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



It was a bit cruel and unnecessary, but Jess has said she doesn't always cooperate with the DR, so if you don't play their game, they make you suffer. I don't think Julie will mention the "like" issue, but God knows everyone who's watched the show will, either in person or online. When you go on BB you expose yourself to all kinds of ridicule and counselors are standing by after the show to prepare you for it. Previous houseguests say they get briefed on what to expect by the counselors who are also available for some time after the show should they feel too stressed out. 


Jess's fall to the death looked especially bad when everyone else just more or less hopped down without the dramatics. If you go on a show like BB, you have to be prepared to get destroyed after the show. (At least until a new cast comes along to make the fans forget you.) Krystie from BBOTT with her bleeding to death routine was the last person who comes to mind that's comparable to Jess and her fall.


Cliff and Nicole know how bad it can get for former houseguests and both worry that they're the bottom rated on Jokers. (they're the top-rated) but they know how the fans can turn on you. A lot of the poeple on BB get recruited and come in blind and when they get out it's like getting hit with a two by four. Cliff and Nicole will be expecting the worst and prepared for it, but many of the others will expect to come out stars and find themselves being dragged through the mud.


Julie got pretty tough on poor old Jack when he got evicted, but it was a fraction of what he'd have found if he made it out to the real world. 

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

@gardenman wrote:



It was a bit cruel and unnecessary, but Jess has said she doesn't always cooperate with the DR, so if you don't play their game, they make you suffer. I don't think Julie will mention the "like" issue, but God knows everyone who's watched the show will, either in person or online. When you go on BB you expose yourself to all kinds of ridicule and counselors are standing by after the show to prepare you for it. Previous houseguests say they get briefed on what to expect by the counselors who are also available for some time after the show should they feel too stressed out. 


Jess's fall to the death looked especially bad when everyone else just more or less hopped down without the dramatics. If you go on a show like BB, you have to be prepared to get destroyed after the show. (At least until a new cast comes along to make the fans forget you.) Krystie from BBOTT with her bleeding to death routine was the last person who comes to mind that's comparable to Jess and her fall.


Cliff and Nicole know how bad it can get for former houseguests and both worry that they're the bottom rated on Jokers. (they're the top-rated) but they know how the fans can turn on you. A lot of the poeple on BB get recruited and come in blind and when they get out it's like getting hit with a two by four. Cliff and Nicole will be expecting the worst and prepared for it, but many of the others will expect to come out stars and find themselves being dragged through the mud.


Julie got pretty tough on poor old Jack when he got evicted, but it was a fraction of what he'd have found if he made it out to the real world. 

@gardenman Thanks for explaining. By the way, I didn't see last year's BB. What does BBOTT mean ?

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!



BBOTT was Big Brother Over The Top an all online version of Big Brother from a couple of years ago. We saw everything (well, nearly so) live on the feeds. We saw the houseguests trickle into the house one after the other live. We saw the alliances form live. We saw the comps live. They even had live DR's where the houseguests could talk to us directly. Morgan Willett was the winner of BBOTT. Krystie was a rock singer who was a houseguest. They had a wall comp where the houseguests had to scale a wall to retrieve items. Krystie stopped early in the comp (they had a thirty minute time limit per player) and insisted blood was pouring from her hands and she couldn't go on. BB kept showing close-ups of her hands and there was no blood. None. Not any. She stood on the platform for about twenty minutes talking about how badly her hands were bleeding until her time was up and they let her go back inside. It was an iconic BB moment for those of us who saw it. She kept looking around and saying there was blood everywhere. There wasn't. She was very, very dramatic and for much longer than Jess with her half second scream.

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Tommy used the POV and took down Christie and Cliff replaced her. Jess is still the target.

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

I cannot wait to see Jess leave Thursday. This season finally perked up a couple weeks ago.  I adore Cliff and watching his montage of dancing with his wife.  And when he said in the diary room to Sharon (his wife) that he wants to renew their vows my heart just melted. Everyone should be so lucky to have a spouse or partner that loves them that much.  Unfortunately my 2 exes were pompous jackasses like Jackson.  


Happy Labor Day everyone!

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Re: Monday 9/02/2019 Big Brother Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Well if I know Cliff,he’s probably covering all his bases in case he doesn’t win F2,  he can go for America’s favorite player and get the $25,000.  He’s got a reason for everything he does, believe me.