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Monday 7/29/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Welcome to another manic Monday. Pretty much everyone in the house was conniving against everyone else yesterday and then telling trusted allies or being overheard by others, who then told the other side about the conniving which led to lots of paranoia and tons of denials. Pretty much none of which anyone believed. (The denials that is, not the conniving. Everyone believes the conniving, just not the denials.)


In general, Christie is plotting to get rid of Jackson and Jackson is plotting to get rid of Christie and Tommy. Planning on both sides has been overheard by Analyse, Kat and others and reported back to the other side. Christie wants Kat put up as the replacement and Sam voted out while Jackson wants Nicole put up as the replacement and voted out keeping Sam and Nick for him to use as foot soldiers to take out Christie. Both Jackson and Christie are preparing for an all-out shooting war against the other one.


So, with Christie still retaining her magic power, will she trust Nick enough to give it to him to put up Jackson? Probably not, but Jackson going out on Holly's HOH would be kind of neat. Assuming the power isn't used, who will Holly put on the block opposite Sam, Nicole or Kat? Probably Kat, simply because it's easier than listening to Christie complain all week. Sam will likely be heading back to his wife and kids and their broken down pool on Thursday, but you never know.


By the way, Isabella is not in sequester and has been returned to the wild, so we won't have a battle back for a little bit. There's still room in the schedule for one, but not just yet. The house is assuming there'll be a double eviction next week to send two to the jury, but if they're planning a battleback the next few evictees could go to a hotel for sequester instead of the jury house, so no double evicition needs to be coming up for a few more weeks. 


This next HOH will likely see the guns come out and either Christie/Tommy or Holly/Jackson will be on the block as the Six Shooters finally go all out to destroy what's left of the alliance. This alliance has had way, way too many alpha's and not nearly enough followers. Jack, Jackson and Christie all try to lead, and now Holly with only Analyse and Tommy as somewhat loyal foot soldiers.


So, we have a few big moves coming down today. By 11:00 AM BB time (2:00 PM ET) Chrisite has to inform the DR if she's using her power or not. (I'm betting no.) Then they'll have the POV meeting where either Kat (good for Christie's side) or Nicole (good for Jackson's side) will be named the replacement. Kat should have the votes to stay. Nicole, not so much. She could stay, but it'll be more of a fight for her. Then we'll have a debate until Thursday over whether Sam stays or goes. 


Holly could impress the heck out of me by playing a wildcard and just nominating Christie as the replacement. (Tommy would jump up off the couch and scream, "It's too soon!") Sadly, there are no indications that anyone but Kat or Nicole have crossed Holly's mind. Jackson is doing his best to force her to put up Nicole and keep Sam, while Christie is campaigning for Kat to go up and them to vote out Sam, breaking up the Sam/Nick couple.


Old Cliff is coming out of this looking pretty good right now. Whatever combination of Cliff, Nicole, Kat, Sam, Nick and Jessica survives this week has a good shot of surviving far into the future as the big guns (Jack, Jackson, Christie, Tommy, Holly, and Analyse) all take aim at one another. The former outcasts will need a power shift after the first shots get fired so whoever remains of the Christie/Tommy/Analyse side or the Jackson/Holly/Jack (maybe?) side takes a shot at the other side to weaken them. If one half of the Six Shooters stays in power long enough they could still retain enough control to thin out the outcasts.


I forgot to mention this the other day, but it appears that Tommy was disqualified from the sheep herding POV comp for tackling one or more sheep instead of herding them. The sheep apparently had point values on them and the houseguests had to herd them into a pen in a certain time period and whichever houseguest won each round (most points not most sheep) would advance while the loser was out. They were given very specific instructions on how to handle the sheep, but Tommy apparently didn't listen or didn't care and tackled a sheep or two he wanted and got DQ'ed.


I'll post back later today after the POV meeting with whoever went up as the replacement. Most likely it'll be Kat as the pawn, but we'll see. It could be Nicole. With this cast, it could be just about anyone, but those two seem the most likely at this point. Whichever one goes up will be an early indicator of who's winning the fight for power this week, Jackson or Christie.


Holly putting up Christie directly would be impressive and be the first full-on volley in the upcoming war, but I suspect Holly isn't quite ready for that just yet. It won't be hard to tell if she's done that when the feeds comeback as Christie will be in melt-down mode. (Well, more so than normal.) Would they have the votes to evict Christie? Maybe. Jackson, Nick, Cliff (probably), Nicole (maybe), Jessica (maybe). Christie would likely have Tommy, Analyse, Kat (more so because she hates Jackson than loves Christie) and maybe Jack solidly with her. The fight for the votes of Jessica and Nicole would be pretty intense. It probably won't happen, but who knows with this cast.


I'll be back later with the results from the POV meeting.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Monday 7/29/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Time for the POV meeting. The plan is to put Kat up as the pawn and for Sam to go home after Nick uses the POV. The house has more or less united around breaking up Nick and Sam. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Monday 7/29/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It sounds like things went as planned with Nick saving himself and Kat being the replacement.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Monday 7/29/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

It's not fun for the fans but I can understand why Holly didn't want to be the one to put a target on her back by taking the first shot. Such a letdown, lol.


This is the part of the game where the motto "Expect the Unexpected" doesn't live up to its hype. 



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Re: Monday 7/29/2019 Big Brother 21 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Sadly everyone talks about taking a shot, but no one does. We've got tons of target placement going on with everyone in the six targeting pretty much everyone else, but no one's pulling the trigger. The rest of this week looks to be on cruise control. Sam's going bye-bye and then we'll see what happens Thursday when there's a new HOH. 

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!