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@chickenbutt wrote:

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I have a question and will put a spoiler here in case someone hasn't watched this particular show.


I must have dozed off for a minute.  Regarding David and the one girl -- can't think of her name -- with the dark hair --- who is living with him for a week --- there was something about a loofa bath sponge that flipped her out and there was a big argument or upheaval.  What was this about??  

Also, how about the other girl -- when David asked her to move in together for a week, she refused and then he said I love you to her and she told him she was not in love with him, that she liked him and that she was dropping out.  I never liked her and felt she was not genuine.  Then, since she dropped out, he chose poor Tara.  Second best!  I would be so disgusted, I'd tell him what he could do!  But I don't think she was aware that this happened!  

He is a jerk.  I can't stand him. So immature.  He tells every girl on the show he is falling for them and he can see a life with them.  Oh, please!


I dont' like Melika either.   


Well, I guess it's all been spoiled so I'll just say that I'm glad she left.  I couldn't even believe that David thought she was genuine.  He was clearly thinking with his 'other' brain.   She was just awful.


I remember when she had her friend there, with her and David.  She kept making this smirky face that was just off-putting.    Had he been thinking with his north brain he would have seen right through her.  But, really, having watched him for some time now, I have a feeling that he doesn't EVER think with his north brain.


I'm sure not finding David very genuine either.  He told two girls that they were the one.  What the heck?

@chickenbutt, I am very sorry for my post; I forgot and got carried away when writing.  I didn't do it on purpose, so I hope you will forgive me.

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Re: Married at First Sight

[ Edited ]

Hi Dear!  Oh, I'm sure it will be fine.   I have a feeling that most of the people who watch this show watch live or watch pretty quickly.  I just watched this episode yesterday so I don't usually remark as soon as others anyway.  It's not like any major spoilers, anyway.  Smiley Happy


This 'second chances' show is so bizarre to me.   I don't know - they made it more like one of those ridiculous 'dating' shows than what I think it was supposed to start out to be.


That said, however, I imagine it's about viewership and drama does bring that, no?  Smiley Very Happy  


Happy day!

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@chickenbutt wrote:

Hi Dear!  Oh, I'm sure it will be fine.   I have a feeling that most of the people who watch this show watch live or watch pretty quickly.  I just watched this episode yesterday so I don't usually remark as soon as others anyway.  It's not like any major spoilers, anyway.  Smiley Happy


This 'second chances' show is so bizarre to me.   I don't know - they made it more like one of those ridiculous 'dating' shows than what I think it was supposed to start out to be.


That said, however, I imagine it's about viewership and drama does bring that, no?  Smiley Very Happy  


Happy day!

@chickenbutt, I am glad I came back to see your post.  I really didn't do it on purpose and felt bad.  


Anyway, I find this "second chances" show all about the drama like you said.  And I suspect that they will continue the show, so that means those who divorce on the current MAFS could be seen in their "second chances" show.  It just seems weird to me, but yet, both DH and I still watch LOL.

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@HisElk wrote:

@AngelPuppy1, the girl he's living with is Isabella (sp?).  The argument started when David must have taken a shower and her loofah fell on the floor of the shower and he didn't pick it up.  At first, I thought it not a big deal, however, the more David went on and on about it, to the point of laughing, I could see her point.  What was important to her (maybe not others), he wasn't getting her point.  They were advised before moving in together to communicate things to one another that bothered each of them.  When she mentioned it, he made light of it.  He totally missed the point IMO.


As for the other girl, I believe Meleka (sp?), never did I think she was there for finding love.  I didn't see her really connecting to him and many times, she just seemed like she was just trying to keep herself from being eliminated from the show - I never got that she was truly interested in a relationship with him.  IMO, he should have eliminated her much earlier.  Even her parents didn't want to meet him and she brought a friend.  When meeting David's mother, she was late and didn't care.  He should have listenened to his mother and said goodbye.


Now we have Isabella and Tara left - both of which I'm sure have no idea that Meleka was his first choice.  I know how I would feel about his choice and now that Meleka has removed herself, if I were the other 2, I'd say "see ya".  


IMO, David is very immature and I agree with you about him telling all of them the same thing - I think he's in love with the idea of being MARRIED, not necessarily in love with any one in particular.  If he chooses any of the 2, I don't see it lasting.  And I do not find him at all attractive in any sort of way - he's very "wishy washy" to me and needs to grow a "pair".



Thanks for filling me in!  And, oh, I agree and love everything you wrote!


He is really a piece of work.  His own mother even said -- he keeps picking these really pretty girls and they don't care about him -- all they do is use him and he buys them all kinds of stuff!  Not that looks are the most important, granted, but I think he sees himself as some buff studly, uber handsome guy.  He, too to me, is not attractive in the least.  His actions and words make him even less appealing.  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@chickenbutt wrote:

@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

I have a question and will put a spoiler here in case someone hasn't watched this particular show.


I must have dozed off for a minute.  Regarding David and the one girl -- can't think of her name -- with the dark hair --- who is living with him for a week --- there was something about a loofa bath sponge that flipped her out and there was a big argument or upheaval.  What was this about??  

Also, how about the other girl -- when David asked her to move in together for a week, she refused and then he said I love you to her and she told him she was not in love with him, that she liked him and that she was dropping out.  I never liked her and felt she was not genuine.  Then, since she dropped out, he chose poor Tara.  Second best!  I would be so disgusted, I'd tell him what he could do!  But I don't think she was aware that this happened!  

He is a jerk.  I can't stand him. So immature.  He tells every girl on the show he is falling for them and he can see a life with them.  Oh, please!


I dont' like Melika either.   


Well, I guess it's all been spoiled so I'll just say that I'm glad she left.  I couldn't even believe that David thought she was genuine.  He was clearly thinking with his 'other' brain.   She was just awful.


I remember when she had her friend there, with her and David.  She kept making this smirky face that was just off-putting.    Had he been thinking with his north brain he would have seen right through her.  But, really, having watched him for some time now, I have a feeling that he doesn't EVER think with his north brain.


I'm sure not finding David very genuine either.  He told two girls that they were the one.  What the heck?



Yes, Maleeka had that smirky face.  The dinner with her friend - they were giving each other these sideways looks with their eyes and smirks --- like --- it was all just a funny joke.  And to her, I think it was!


David is in love --- I will grant him that --- yes, he is ---- in love with himself!!!!  

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@AngelPuppy1 wrote:

@HisElk wrote:

@AngelPuppy1, the girl he's living with is Isabella (sp?).  The argument started when David must have taken a shower and her loofah fell on the floor of the shower and he didn't pick it up.  At first, I thought it not a big deal, however, the more David went on and on about it, to the point of laughing, I could see her point.  What was important to her (maybe not others), he wasn't getting her point.  They were advised before moving in together to communicate things to one another that bothered each of them.  When she mentioned it, he made light of it.  He totally missed the point IMO.


As for the other girl, I believe Meleka (sp?), never did I think she was there for finding love.  I didn't see her really connecting to him and many times, she just seemed like she was just trying to keep herself from being eliminated from the show - I never got that she was truly interested in a relationship with him.  IMO, he should have eliminated her much earlier.  Even her parents didn't want to meet him and she brought a friend.  When meeting David's mother, she was late and didn't care.  He should have listenened to his mother and said goodbye.


Now we have Isabella and Tara left - both of which I'm sure have no idea that Meleka was his first choice.  I know how I would feel about his choice and now that Meleka has removed herself, if I were the other 2, I'd say "see ya".  


IMO, David is very immature and I agree with you about him telling all of them the same thing - I think he's in love with the idea of being MARRIED, not necessarily in love with any one in particular.  If he chooses any of the 2, I don't see it lasting.  And I do not find him at all attractive in any sort of way - he's very "wishy washy" to me and needs to grow a "pair".



Thanks for filling me in!  And, oh, I agree and love everything you wrote!


He is really a piece of work.  His own mother even said -- he keeps picking these really pretty girls and they don't care about him -- all they do is use him and he buys them all kinds of stuff!  Not that looks are the most important, granted, but I think he sees himself as some buff studly, uber handsome guy.  He, too to me, is not attractive in the least.  His actions and words make him even less appealing.  

@AngelPuppy1, boy do we ever think alike.  I do agree that looks are important and if there's no physical attraction, that would pose a big problem.  I never "got" that Melika (sp?) was into him during the entire season.  That scene at the table with her friend was very awkward and one would think that David would've seen that, including the part where her parents didn't want any part of it - a HUGE sign.  Still, he keeps her there.  Well, duh, she's not into you.  

Regarding the "buff studly....." part, LOL, he sure thinks he is.  There's just something (for me) that comes off kind of, how do I say this "p*ssyish" and a "wuss".  Now that's my opinion and others are free to think differently.  I also agree about how he acts and his words make no sense three quarters of the time.


As I said earlier, I think he's in love with the idea of being married.  I feel for Tara who has known him for about 5 years.  She must really "see" something in him that you and I do not.  


It'll be interesting to see at the end of any of these 2 find out that Meleka was his first choice and how they'll react.  

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Just in case some have not seen the lastet show, here is my take!

First of all, I have been championing Cody, but I have to say he is really starting to get on my nerves!  I reallize that he is somewhat stilted with regard to his emotional maturity but --- this constant harping and whining about the lack of physical intimacy is really getting old!  If he thinks this is going to endear him to Danielle, he is sadly mistaken!  If I were hear, I'd get sick of hearing about it and also him telling it to everyone!  If he wants to change it  then he should do something about it or just be quiet about it.  He keeps talking about the fact that she does not have enough trust in him yet to have the imtimacy.  Well, I agree that you do need to have trust, but in my opinion, it's way more than that!  I just don't think that Danielle is attracted to him.  Period.  I think it started badly because of Danielle's constant comments about wanting a manly man and someone to take risks.  She does not realize that this totally emasculated Cody.  I think he feels like whatever he does, he can't ever measure up and be a real man in her eyes!  Now, I think he is afraid to initiate any type of intimacy for fear of rejection and/or that he won't measure up!!!

I think the most reasonable person is Anthony!!!!  I really like him and feel he is understanding and patient --- almost to a fault!  Ashley is rather inflexible and hard-headed.  I believe these 2 have real feelings for each but she needs to be more flexible and quit being so rigid and bull-headed about things!

As for Nate and Shelia!  At the beginning, I though he might be the problem.  But, my word --- she is volatile!  She said a mouthful when she said she could be vicious!  How many times have we heard --- I'm done, I'm done!  In the previews it shows her walking out on him and saing she's leaving him.  It showed Nate in absolute tears.  I felt sorry for him!

So --- who will stay together?  Wow!  I really don't have any hope for Cody and Danielle.  As for the other 2 couples, I think they will give it a go, but good luck!!! 
"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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@AngelPuppy1 About the first paragraph in your spoiler, I think he brought some of it on himself when he told her they needed to put the brakes on for a while.

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  I think that they are all attractive young people and they got caught up in that and now they are getting to know each other and their ways and may find thngs they don't actually  like about their partners but they each want it to work so much so that makes it hard.  They feel like they are giving up if it doesn't work and it is their fault.  This is a very hard process and the odds against finding the perfect mate is too high even with the expert opinions.