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None of the couples are together....


Davina took NO responsibility in the marriage; she just kept saying that Sean didnt come there for the right reasons, etc. etc. etc.  What I remember is that whenever he was having problems she basically told him to "shake it off" and be there for HER. She told him that she didnt get married to be a caretaker.... and they only spent 10-12 nights together out of 42 possible



Jess has a restraining order against Ryan.... he allegedly threatened to kill her and her family...twice!!  They never moved in together during the whole time.... and when the whole thing was over he told her he wanted a break.  He didnt spend Valentines Day with her.... but she found a card in his apartment after the holiday dated 2/14/15.  It was from another woman.  She has a lawyer and there is a date in court in July. 


Jacquie and Ryan are apart because he just moved back in with his mom and made no effort to keep the relationship going.  She was in love with him and he was too lazy to put any more effort into this.   He said he didnt know how to be in this kind of a relationship.  DUH!!  You mean someone doesnt know you keep living together? 

The experts and the host, Kevin, kept trying to encourage them to give it a second change..... they reluctantly agreed.... but personally i dont give this marriage any chance....


I watched both hours of the reunion....

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It is my hope that the "experts" take a step back and reassess this venue.  How in the world did they expect success throwing strangers together who had to make a decision to stay married or not in six weeks.


A big failure IMO.

If your face brightens when you meet a friend, you have struck gold. - unknown
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@game-on wrote:

None of the couples are together....


Davina took NO responsibility in the marriage; she just kept saying that Sean didnt come there for the right reasons, etc. etc. etc.  What I remember is that whenever he was having problems she basically told him to "shake it off" and be there for HER. She told him that she didnt get married to be a caretaker.... and they only spent 10-12 nights together out of 42 possible



Jess has a restraining order against Ryan.... he allegedly threatened to kill her and her family...twice!!  They never moved in together during the whole time.... and when the whole thing was over he told her he wanted a break.  He didnt spend Valentines Day with her.... but she found a card in his apartment after the holiday dated 2/14/15.  It was from another woman.  She has a lawyer and there is a date in court in July. 


Jacquie and Ryan are apart because he just moved back in with his mom and made no effort to keep the relationship going.  She was in love with him and he was too lazy to put any more effort into this.   He said he didnt know how to be in this kind of a relationship.  DUH!!  You mean someone doesnt know you keep living together? 

The experts and the host, Kevin, kept trying to encourage them to give it a second change..... they reluctantly agreed.... but personally i dont give this marriage any chance....


I watched both hours of the reunion....

Hi gameon.  This season was pathetic.  Agree with everything you wrote and I just wanted to strangle Davina for the way she acted along with Ryan D.  Maybe they should pair the two of them together; that would be entertaining.

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hi hiselk.... i am laughing at your suggestion of Davina and Ryan D together....dont you think they deserve each other?  lol

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LOL, gameon.  Yes, I think they do deserve one another; they are both "all about me" kind of peope.  In another words, we could sit back and watch the match.  Can you tell I don't care for any of them?


Hey, why don't you consider registered over at DY's forum?  There's a thread ongoing about this show there too.  Would love to see you over there.

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Registered: ‎03-22-2010

his elk.... i have no idea where that forum is.... could you help me find it?

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From what I read an an insider site...

The first season, each of the contestants were hand picked by the experts, and they're all still together from what I understand. 

As for the second season... each of the women were hand picked, but the men were picked some-what at random. 

One from facebook

One was the friend of a brother of a show-employee

Lastly, one was picked from a dating website


Not only that, but the men were all picked in haste, with a few days before production.

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I wonder if the women knew how sloppily these men were picked to become their husbands?


There's another show where (I think) family and friends match people up.  It comes on the same channel.  At least it isn't as random.  I've seen bits of one episode.  One couple on that show are extremely young (or look it anyway).  They are Gypsies.


I only knew my husband 3 months (met him at a USO dance).  Told my sister I was marrying him the minute I saw him.  Sometimes you just know.

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Annabelle - So true - it is give and take. The experts also seemed disgusted that these couples hardly tried. So, I guess this experiment was a "fail". And I know Sean said he would try and relocate, why would they pick someone that would absolutely not move? I think all the couples had issues to begin with and this exaccerbated them.
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They rushed to put these couples together and get them married in December, they returned from the honeymoon the day before Christmas. So they are married, move in together, celebrate Christmas and New Years, all in a very short time period. That right there is a lot of stress, plus they are still strangers to each other on top of everything else.


The fact that the guys were thrown into the mix at the last minute and not properly screened was a set-up for disaster.