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Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

We always love to watch this parade and look forward to seeing Santa at the end.


Well, right before Santa was to appear, they had Mariah Carey come out in all her glory and called her the Queen of Christmas and she performed her Christmas song.  I know there has been a dispute concerning this self-proclaimed title she gave herself --- and really --- I don't think she IS the Queen of Christmas and she is rather full of herself!  I don't dispute that she has an amazing voice and is majorly talented, however, they hardly gave a few seconds to show Santa thanks to them giving her most of the remaining air time!  It really peeved me!  I mean --- c'mon --- Christmas is not all about HER --- everyone wants to see Santa!!!!!   

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

Yes, Christmas is all about Santa Claus, not Mariah Carey.  Shame on her for stealing the spotlight.  Smiley Sad

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

What bothered me was that this is a family show and some of the entertainment choices were not appropriate.

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

I was busy in the kitchen but was glad to catch when the Rockettes performed, fantastic as always.

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

the parade is really now just a long commercial and ad time


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I lasted 2 minutes






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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

I don't think she's the Queen of anything, let alone Christmas. 😏

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

@jackthebear wrote:

the parade is really now just a long commercial and ad time


Movies, TV Broadway



I lasted 2 minutes




I agree. Every time I turned it on they were on commercial or just back from one. Then they would show one balloon or band, ohh and ah over it and back to commercial. 



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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

[ Edited ]

Read a mystery years ago about a little girl who called it "The Macy's Day Parade". I think her Dad was a detective. Cannot remember the title of the book.

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

I usually record the parade and skip the commercials.  


Agree about Carey.  And it was supposed to be a most popular Christmas song.  I'd never heard it before.


Agree about the Rockettes.  The show at the Music Hall is a must see.


And my personal recommendation having gone to the parade in person a few times.  Have to see it live to appreciate those balloons coming down the avenue.  Awesome!!!

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Re: Macy's Christmas Parade - Kind of Peeved

I agree! It's not about her and everyone looks forward to seeing Santa! 


I'm showing my age now but I wish they had never retired Woody Woodpecker.  It was my favorite balloon when I was a kid.