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Does anyone know why Lou Grant has never been aired in syndication? Its on none of my Antenna TV or Me TV stations and I have not seen it in 30 years. it was one of my favorite shows along with Cagney and Lacey in the early 1980s.

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best guess


someone has the rights and doesn't want to show it or wants too much$$



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i cannot answer the question, but i know that ed asner can be a bit vocal about politics and human rights issues.....sometimes that can get you "in trouble." he believed that that was why lou grant was cancelled after its fifth season. it was one shown on the A and E network.


i am still waiting for LA LAW and THIRTYSOMETHING!


so many good shows that the nostalgia channels or even the non cable outlets could be showing.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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I watched Lou Grant on either Amazon Prime of Hulu last year. 
No longer airing on either now. 

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youtube has some episodes 

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Mary Tyler Moore was on for a while. I would love to see West Wing and L.A. Law.

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@sunshine45 wrote:

i cannot answer the question, but i know that ed asner can be a bit vocal about politics and human rights issues.....sometimes that can get you "in trouble." he believed that that was why lou grant was cancelled after its fifth season. it was one shown on the A and E network.


i am still waiting for LA LAW and THIRTYSOMETHING!


so many good shows that the nostalgia channels or even the non cable outlets could be showing.

No because see, instead, they keep showing the same exhausted sitcoms over and over and over again... I have a theory that the networks are behind the failure to show old dramas. You see, they're afraid to have us compare them to the qwap they regularly shovel out there now...

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Mary Tyler Moore is on Decades TV. And West Wing is on Netflix.

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I would also love to see LA Law and Thirtysomething again, two of the al time greats. I would love to see N ip Tuck again too, my all time guilty pleasure.