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Posts: 30,249
Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Here's my theory. He and his fellow soldiers were involved in a mass killing in whatever country that was (I mix them up all of the time). They were ordered to do it

Very similar to some of the same story lines we've seen played out with regard to Vietnam. That's what that 'rein of fire' or 'rain of fire'.

I think that the guy who set it up is now a high government official and doesn't want it exposed because a lot of people either mistakenly or on purpose died from it.

Think about it. They are in the business of changing and planting things. That's what they did to him and his memory.

I'm just not good at figuring out the time span because I don't know the age of the boy. I guess she must have been going along with it for a long time.

I'm probably wrong.