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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

Sorry @mousiegirl   every repeat I found is on HBO.   I looked on OWN for the next couple days, didn't see it, just a lot of Dr. Phil.  Hope you get to see it!

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO



I agree with almost all of your thoughtful post.  But I do blame the mothers.  They were smiling so much, looking back on the glory days when this psycho sent them to the best hotels, on great trips, anywhere so he could be alone to molest their sons.  They don't seem terribly sorry.  I don't remember tears, but maybe I'm wrong.  I remember lots of fond reminiscing like the good old days are gone.


They were responsible.  It wasn't the boy's fault and I appreciate you quoting what I said because those boys didn't know how their lives were a million miles from normal.

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

@LoriLori wrote:



I agree with almost all of your thoughtful post.  But I do blame the mothers.  They were smiling so much, looking back on the glory days when this psycho sent them to the best hotels, on great trips, anywhere so he could be alone to molest their sons.  They don't seem terribly sorry.  I don't remember tears, but maybe I'm wrong.  I remember lots of fond reminiscing like the good old days are gone.


They were responsible.  It wasn't the boy's fault and I appreciate you quoting what I said because those boys didn't know how their lives were a million miles from normal.

@LoriLori   I also blame the mothers - I hope my post isn't leading people to read otherwise.  It just surprised me that the boys do too...since the mothers did what the boys (now men) wanted; they acquiesced to the boys' wishes.   


Yes, the mothers were to blame.  My point in my post is that parents have to make important decisions, not children, because children are - legally - incompetent to do so!  The mothers should have known better and IMO did know better; they just were sucked into all the perks they were receiving and Michael's grooming of them.  When  the mothers did state the "red flags" they saw, they then said they didn't think anything of them.   Well, yes they did; they just "bought" the explanations they were given.  They did wonder why they were put farther and farther away from the boys in hotels, etc. but "bought" the bogus reasons for it because they were dazzled by celebrity and benefits of celebrity.

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

Gotcha, @Pearlee , thanks.  Honestly I thought both mothers and the sister and grandmother seemed nostalgic for the good old days when he gave them all that stuff.  Payment for their kids.

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

@LoriLori wrote:



I agree with almost all of your thoughtful post.  But I do blame the mothers.  They were smiling so much, looking back on the glory days when this psycho sent them to the best hotels, on great trips, anywhere so he could be alone to molest their sons.  They don't seem terribly sorry.  I don't remember tears, but maybe I'm wrong.  I remember lots of fond reminiscing like the good old days are gone.


They were responsible.  It wasn't the boy's fault and I appreciate you quoting what I said because those boys didn't know how their lives were a million miles from normal.

I too blame the Mothers....but I think they got caught up with it too....Michael threw money, trips at them and I think the Mothers are STILL in denial  that this person who was so kind and generous to them would do this to their sons. They KNEW something wasn't right, but they chose not to believe it....... because they were groomed just as much as their sons. That is why they were still smiling in the interviews when they talked about  Michael and going on trips with him.


Wasn't it mentioned in the Oprah interview that one of the boys Mother's didn't want to see the part of the tape that he described the abuse?

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

@Nataliesgramma wrote:

@LoriLori wrote:



I agree with almost all of your thoughtful post.  But I do blame the mothers.  They were smiling so much, looking back on the glory days when this psycho sent them to the best hotels, on great trips, anywhere so he could be alone to molest their sons.  They don't seem terribly sorry.  I don't remember tears, but maybe I'm wrong.  I remember lots of fond reminiscing like the good old days are gone.


They were responsible.  It wasn't the boy's fault and I appreciate you quoting what I said because those boys didn't know how their lives were a million miles from normal.

I too blame the Mothers....but I think they got caught up with it too....Michael threw money, trips at them and I think the Mothers are STILL in denial  that this person who was so kind and generous to them would do this to their sons. They KNEW something wasn't right, but they chose not to believe it....... because they were groomed just as much as their sons. That is why they were still smiling in the interviews when they talked about  Michael and going on trips with him.


Wasn't it mentioned in the Oprah interview that one of the boys Mother's didn't want to see the part of the tape that he described the abuse?



Thank you, @Nataliesgramma .


I appreciate your outlook because it means the mothers are not complete and total greedy monsters.  Denial is an explanation.  Not an excuse but it would explain.  


I didn't see the Oprah interview but I heard one mother say that.


Did Oprah talk much about her own experience or did she focus totally on theirs?

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

@LoriLori wrote:

@mousiegirl wrote:

@VaBelle35 wrote:

The clip I saw of the Oprah interview has her asking the questions people are asking after watching it.



@VaBelle35   I had two chances to watch Oprah last night, and each time the show began, I fell asleep!  Do you know, offhand, if it will be repeated?


@mousiegirl  I fell asleep during Oprah.  Not because it wasn't compelling -- it was, so very.  Glad I can have the chance to watch all of it because I just checked and HBO is repeating it --  mostly at odd hours -- and it is also available at HBO On Demand.  It's called "After Neverland."  (I didn't know that until now.)



It's being rerun multiple times on OWN.  I see it on my program guide.

Next time is Sat 8pm

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

I don't condone what Michael did, but in a small way I feel sorry for him. I think something happened to him when he was young that could have affected him.


I often wondered if he wasn't also abused as a little boy. We all heard how his father used to beat him.


I think even with all his fame and fortune....he couldn't fight the demons inside..

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

Can we have a side bar?

What the heck was going on with Oprah's hair?

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Re: Leaving Neverland documentary on HBO

@Mz iMac wrote:

@goldensrbest wrote:

,he  hired women to have kids,not even using his own sperm, something wrong with that.

Really?  confused.gif



Mark Lester (actor) admitted his sperm was used for Paris-Michael and Prince-Michael #1, both of whose mother is Debbie Rowe who signed a contract she'd have the kids and take a large sum of money to stay away.  I think she reached out to Paris when Paris tried to kill herself.


Prince-Michael II, aka "Blanket," who was dangled over the balcony (so unforgettably disgusting) was delivered via surrogate and not sure anyone knows who his sperm donor was.  Just googled it and Michael Jackson claimed it was his own sperm.  


Even the names...this guy was so sick it is staring us all in the face.  But his kids loved him and like Wade and Jimmy and the rest, they didn't know a different life, only Michael as their father and no mother and veils and balconies and...ugh, this man was so sick.