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Last night's episode of Bull 5/6/19

How did you feel about the outcome?     I don't think that he deserved 20 years in prison for those men dying but at the same time, he did commit a criminal act by providing the prisoners with cell phones and benefitting financially from it.  


The fact that he didn't make much money and was in debt was still no reason to break the rules.   


I did feel sorry for that him though because he really thought he could make it back to the prison.  He never thought that his actions would result in someone dying.   The real people who should have been on trial were those who left him hanging out to dry.   


I thought Bull's idea of donating the money to the families of the men who died was fair.     The CO did not earn the money and he should not be allowed to keep it. 

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Re: Last night's episode of Bull 5/6/19

I felt sorry for him as well.  People have gotten away with more because they had the money to hire professionals who are trained to get them off.  This poor guy was struggling to begin with, and now, his poor wife is left without his income and babies to take care of. 

Yes, I agree he committed a crime and pay for it, but I did feel sorry for him. 

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Re: Last night's episode of Bull 5/6/19

Because he was charged with manslaughter and he was aquitted of manslaughter, I thought the outcome was appropriate. He wasn't charged with anything else. That would be a separate legal issue for another episode...

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Re: Last night's episode of Bull 5/6/19

Water was already coming into the lower cells while he and those who left were talking about leaving. There was time to move the prisoners before they left. 

Why were they having another child they couldn't afford legally?  He took a chance, both selling phones and abandoning the prisoners. Both were illegal, both were taking a chance of ending in court, both were for money. He deserved to be convicted and serve time.

What others did, that they were paid more, or that the men may have died had he stayed is irrelevant.