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That's a bad picture but it could have been photo shopped.  Face like that doesn't look like it's every seen any treatments or fillers or procedures at all.  It looks like the face of a 75 year old who is just letting it all go to pot.  Which is why I don't believe it's real.

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@wishmoon wrote:

She looks like a drinker.



        Yes,  a heavy drinker.

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I saw her on a talk show recently, and she looked great.  I think that picture has been photo shopped.  It doesn't look like people look when they've had a lot of fillers.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
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@ValuSkr wrote:

Oh my, that's not good!  I wonder if Caitlyn could help.



        Caitlyn?  Have you seen her?   She looks like wrinkly old man in drag.  

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Terrible picture.  The hair's not helping either.

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Re: Kris Jenner

[ Edited ]

I think Kris Jenner is an attractive woman. I think prettier than her daughters when she was young.  This is certainly a terrible photo of her. I have seen lovely photo's of her.


My only criticism is she has way too much makeup on in the photo. It makes her look older than she is.

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i dont believe that this is an "accurate portrayal" of how she really looks in person. she is a beautiful woman with a nice, well maintained body. she just turned 62 yesterday.

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Re: Kris Jenner

[ Edited ]

Check the dates.   The OP is 2016.

I think Kris Jenner is getting BETTER looking with age.




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I think that’s just a bad picture.   I don’t care for her hair like that 


Anyway - she’s had work done, but I think it looks better than the work her daughters have had 

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I think that Kris is very attractive. She was gorgeous in her younger days too! She has had work done, but it looks good. I think better than her daughters....Kylie's plastic surgery is so obvious.......And she is only 19......