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I will preface my post in saying that I am and always have been a fan of Kelly. I think what she had to say today was very difficult for her and it is probably the first time I have ever seen her look so hurt. At one point it appeared she might shed a tear but the professional that she is and always has been, she stuck to her memorized speech.


When she returned to the desk with Michael, I knew that their relationship would probably always be stilted and uncomfortable. Both of them tried very hard this morning to convince the audience otherwise but it was very clear to me that Michael will never really be someone she trusts again...

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@violann wrote:

So she deferred planning a trip for her 20th Wedding Anniversary to a date that was NOT her anniversary to gain publicity?


Hmmmm, on the surface that would seem kind of ridiculous.


NO, WAIT- BENEATH the surface, it also seems TOTALLY ridiculous.


Dream on!

She had every right to be offended by the way that this was handled. As far as publicity....she has never been a publicity hound and I think she was very gracious today in handling all of this professionally....unlike the way she was blindsided from Michael Strahan's news.

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I am not a regular viewer of Live or big fan of Kelly Ripa.  However, I did tune in today to see how she would handle this recent controversy.  I think she did a very good job!  I thought she was professional and spoke from the heart.  At the same time, she got her message across about...."communications, commitment and respect" (not sure if I had all three right there but I remember communications and respect).  Those things were obviously lacking in how the station/Michael handled his departure announcement.  She said apologies were made so they say....."the show must go on" and it will.

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I just want her to go home and eat a burger and piece of cake. LOL

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Due to work, I am not a regular viewer of the show but will at times record it when they have a guest on I want to see.  If it was me, I would have wanted my co-star to tell my personally before the news became public.  That is the respectful thing to do.  I didn't hear what Kelly said this morning but glad she got to say her peace.

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What I got from it was that it wasn't about Michael and they are good -  friendship and workwise.  It wasn't about him not telling her as he was probably not able to.  It appeared to be about Disney not giving them a heads up on what was happening and also assuring them that the show was not going to be replaced with an extra hour of GMA and even if GMA was going to be extended, LIVE would continue in another time slot.  After all those years, Kelly (as well as Gelman and the employees) deserved to know the show is valued and what is going on!!!! 

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GMA is all commercials. I tune in at 7 to get the highlights, but, got stuff to do . Don't have time to sit thru 20 commercials in between tiny tidbits of information.


If they was going to add an hr. Just be another hour of commercials.

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I didn't see it (because I don't watch), but I did see a snippet on Wendy Williams a short while ago.


I thought it was extremely unprofessional of her to take the days off in the first place, so I found her little "speech" to be scrambling to make up for that faux pas and I also found it defensive.  I dislike people who do something wrong (after all, two wrongs don't make a right), then play the victim by getting defensive.


I don't consider her to be a class act.


BTW, no surprise that she wore a sleeveless dress and obnoxiously over-talked with her flexed arms to show off.  I know because I used to be a bodybuilder.  So many women who have muscular arms are "arm talkers", lol.

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If I had arms like that I'd show them off too.