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I reminds me of Hillary Clinton growing out her hair around the time of Chelsea's wedding.  It's tough to grow out your hair.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Can't imagine who suggested this awful hairstyle to her ---- not a good look. 

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I just wonder why would someone want to look older.  If her wig is worn out, get another.  Don't understand unless it's publicity.  



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It looked downright awful at the Daytime Emmys 2 weeks ago. 

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Her hair, her choice!

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Excerpt from the Today Show website:


When asked about the sudden change, Sheindlin told Entertainment Tonight, "That will require a very honest answer."


And it turned out to be a very relatable one, too.


"It used to take me an hour to ready for work ... or even to go out for dinner," she said. "Hair, curling, blowing."


Frankly, she has more important things to do with that time, so her sleek style is just more practical. But that wasn't the only impetus behind the makeover.


After all the work she used to put into her hair, she didn't really appreciate the feedback she received.


"I realized at some point people always said, 'She looks terrific,' and always added five words: 'For a woman her age,'" she recalled. "I said, 'Listen, I can look great for a woman of any age.' That's it."


And while she hopes others like her fresh look, that's not the most important factor for her.


"I like it," she said. "It's comfortable and easy."

Then Sheindlin added, in her no-nonsense fashion, "It's here to stay!"

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I finally saw her. She can do better.

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@cotton4me wrote:

Excerpt from the Today Show website:


When asked about the sudden change, Sheindlin told Entertainment Tonight, "That will require a very honest answer."


And it turned out to be a very relatable one, too.


"It used to take me an hour to ready for work ... or even to go out for dinner," she said. "Hair, curling, blowing."


Frankly, she has more important things to do with that time, so her sleek style is just more practical. But that wasn't the only impetus behind the makeover.


After all the work she used to put into her hair, she didn't really appreciate the feedback she received.


"I realized at some point people always said, 'She looks terrific,' and always added five words: 'For a woman her age,'" she recalled. "I said, 'Listen, I can look great for a woman of any age.' That's it."


And while she hopes others like her fresh look, that's not the most important factor for her.


"I like it," she said. "It's comfortable and easy."

Then Sheindlin added, in her no-nonsense fashion, "It's here to stay!"




@cotton4me It is a complete myth that shorter hair is easy to take care of. It takes a lot of work and styling(time) for most. I did the same thing. I let it grow and grow. Now I just wash it, slip a little product in, dry naturally and I am on my way. I receive many more compliments now than I did when I worked so hard on my hair. I do have color applied and a trim with some layers every now and then. I will never go back. The movement of longer hair feels much more feminine to me and I enjoy being able to do more with it.

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@cotton4me wrote:

Excerpt from the Today Show website:


When asked about the sudden change, Sheindlin told Entertainment Tonight, "That will require a very honest answer."


And it turned out to be a very relatable one, too.


"It used to take me an hour to ready for work ... or even to go out for dinner," she said. "Hair, curling, blowing."


Frankly, she has more important things to do with that time, so her sleek style is just more practical. But that wasn't the only impetus behind the makeover.


After all the work she used to put into her hair, she didn't really appreciate the feedback she received.


"I realized at some point people always said, 'She looks terrific,' and always added five words: 'For a woman her age,'" she recalled. "I said, 'Listen, I can look great for a woman of any age.' That's it."


And while she hopes others like her fresh look, that's not the most important factor for her.


"I like it," she said. "It's comfortable and easy."

Then Sheindlin added, in her no-nonsense fashion, "It's here to stay!"

@cotton4me   Good for Judge Judy.  It gets to a point in life when you just don't care what others think, you do you.  It's too bad we don't learn that lesson earlier.

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Registered: ‎04-03-2010

Certainly w/JJ's income she can afford to have her hair professionally styled every week and for the TV cameras there must be hair n makeup personnel.  This new look is so severe and doesn't do anything for her but make her look mannish.


She can certainly choose to wear her hair any way she likes, but I can't get why she'd want it to look like this to begin with.  Odd.  Woman Surprised

Flowers are nature's way of laughing