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Registered: ‎03-15-2014

I wonder if Alex's son, Matthew, age 30, is interested in the job.  He's probably as close to an Alex clone as we're going to get.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

@ValuSkr wrote:

I wonder if Alex's son, Matthew, age 30, is interested in the job.  He's probably as close to an Alex clone as we're going to get.

I think I remember Alex once mentioned that his son owns and manages a restaurant. 

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Posts: 16,375
Registered: ‎06-15-2015

How about the other guy that Ken Jennings beat  just the 2 of them compteing againts each other..i can't think of his name..


he had a deadpan face but had a sence of humor about him  i think!

preds 06-21-20
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