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Registered: ‎03-13-2010

@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

@Desertdi As I've stated here I have some of everything in my family, including similar to what you went through.  The women in my family are extremely strong.  For different reasons, most of them have been divorced.  My mother was married 6 times, divorced 5 times (no abuse there).  I know from my family (especially back in 'the old days') it was even more difficult to get a divorce or to prove (and sometimes it had to be proven) mental and physical abuse.


I'm sure many women here have some difficult stories they could tell.  We have come a long way, but again, we still have more work to do.


It's important that the women who were before us and fought for us are appreciated and that the women that come after us understand that there is a lot more work to be done.  


Thank you for sharing.  It isn't easy to share with others.  I know there are women who 'lead the perfect life' and have no problems.  I say, wonderful, because that gives them more time they can devote to helping others who are still out in the world doing their best but need some help.  

@Annabellethecat66    My own mother took my ex's side.    She said there must be something wrong with me if I "didn't know how to keep a man".  Yup......her very words....................

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

@Desertdi The important thing is you did get out.  I think there were women back then who thought that way.  I know there are still women who think that way.  My youngest daughter who isn't married keeps getting asked when she is going to get married (she's 36) they don't want her to be 'alone'.  


Truth be told I'd like for her to do what she wants to do.  However, unfortunately, if she wants to HAVE/carry a baby her time is limited.  She has always said she wants a baby in her life.  She's been in the same relationship for about 4 years I think.  I hear her frustration.  Sometimes you have to cut your losses and move on.  It's hard for a mother to know how to offer support and/or give advice.


As you can tell I'm not the kind of person to sit by; so it isn't easy letting things take their course.  My daughters and I have a very honest relationship.  I've always taught them to say it like it is.  My feelings and their's get hurt but in the end the deep love is there as well as an honesty that not a lot of families (especially mothers and daughters have).

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Posts: 12,981
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I finally saw Hidden Figures this afternoon. Excellent movie. 


After the last two movies I saw (La La Land and Jackie) I thought were clunkers, I was so happy to see this excellent movie. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?