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I never got hooked into those and low and behold, my husband is preferring these. I'd never have thought that, but he is.  My sister also seems to agree on some of the same movies on there he's seen.


So I really appreciate what you all say re these movies.

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There is another recent thread here on Hallmark from yesterday, these are formula Grade B movies, seen one seen them all!!!

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I used to watch them but got tired of them. This year I started watching one that was so slow and boring I had to delete it. I guess I could have watched it when I needed help sleeping.

I do like the hallmark mystery movies. I prefer some action and excitement. Another thing I hated about the hallmark movies is the woman would always get over dramatic about something stupid and I hated that portrayal of women. I'm not dramatic and don't get mad about the slightest thing. I think many more women are like me than are like that portrayal. 

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While I will admit there are some I do not care for, both myself and my husband have been tuning into all the different channels that Hallmark has. It is a nice way to tune out what else might be going on in the world. Not every show or every movie is one that I will want to watch but there are a great many that I do.

I am looking forward to the upcoming Christmas movies which begin later this month.

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@msgb wrote:

While I will admit there are some I do not care for, both myself and my husband have been tuning into all the different channels that Hallmark has. It is a nice way to tune out what else might be going on in the world. Not every show or every movie is one that I will want to watch but there are a great many that I do.

I am looking forward to the upcoming Christmas movies which begin later this month.

Oh yeah!!  I'll load up on Christmas movies this year too.  My heart needs to feel it, as well as my head.  We'll have to share our "likes" on those. Woman Happy

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Love them. They are a big part of the holiday season for me. Great diversion from the stressors in our lives. You will find me in my flannel PJ's under my fluffie with a cup of tea or a glass of wine in front of the fireplace Sat. and Sun. nights during the season.

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I admit that I am addicted to the Hallmark movies. I can't figure out why other than I think I like the happy ending. Yes, they are very formula movies, you know the ending before the movie even begins. The acting is usually only fair at best. The writing is only mediocre, but I still watch them. The older movies (when a new movie wasn't on most weeks) were much better. Maybe they are just too many movies. The last two I watched were really terrible. Even I will not defend them. 

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There are a few that, for me, were really good.  So much so that I bought them on dvd (as I know Hallmark eventually stops issuing them).  But these were the older ones.


The new ones, I agree, can be really formulaic, but sometimes all I want is to forget everything else that's going on in the world and relax.


If I start to watch a new movie and there's clearly no chemistry between the main actors and no substance to the plot, I switch it off.  There's always something else to watch.


I do love the Mystery movies though.  We didn't have this channel until we recently switched to Spectrum, so it's been great to catch up on these.

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Registered: ‎11-08-2015

A friend turned me on to the Hallmark Channel movies a couple of years ago. I have to admit that they are a guilty pleasure/escape for me.  Will you see Emmy award winning acting and stories??  Absolutely not. Are the plots predictable and for the most part totally unrealistic?  Definitely!  After seeing a few, you can pretty much write the script.      Some are clearly better than others and the last couple of new ones have been pretty bad. Sometimes you just need a bit of mindless entertainment that doesn't require you to think too much and a happy, uncomplicated ending, particularly these days. 

I have gotten into the various mystery series -- they have more depth to their plot lines and the acting is far better.

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They are predictable, but enjoyable. I love Christmas movies and the mystery movies on the other Hallmark channel. What I've been doing now that we stay home more, is get the 2017 & 2018 Christmas movies from the library. With no commercials, they run 82 minutes.