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And yet another one bites the dust.  This was such a fun show to watch.  I am getting so tired of all these cancellations.  Soon all we will be left with are idiotic comedies with those horrendous sound tracks that are so childish and those so-called reality shows.  There are now just a handful of shows on regular TV (so far) that I watch but with my luck, they will be cancelled also.  At least the old shows are still shown on MeTV, TV Land and AMC.

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Who is their target audience?  Certainly mindless reality shows and recycled game shows are not my choice. I am beginning to believe that it is all about the money, and entertainment finishes a poor second.


Production costs have to be much more for a scripted show with quality actors than for the ones we are now being offered. I still think the better programming is being shifted to the apps where the profits go straight to the networks.

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We like many of the action shows on television like NCIS, FBI, Magnum, Blacklist, etc. 


I can always find a program on HGTV that will hold my interest. 


We rarely watch the newer comedies as they are a bit juvenile.  I have never watched Good Girls once, nor do I even know what it is about.  DH loves to watch older shows as well, especially Hogan's Heroes.

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OH NO - Good Girls is one of my favorites.


I would describe it as a "comedic Breaking Bad".  I think you need to watch more than one episode to get into it.



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I have really enjoyed Good Girls the last couple seasons...but by this last season it just seemed too repetitious.........groundhog day..........the answer to everything is steal,rob...............i think they should have

added a little more normalcy to the characters daily lives.....and make them work at different jobs and make it humorous, etc.  The characters were all great and could have i think had  a great run if the writers would have mixed things up a bit instead of having the same scenerio

each season.    

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I can understand that, it must have lost viewers after the second season. I loved it but it was going round and round with the same storyline.  

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I couldn't even keep up with what was going on this season. They want Rio killed, they don't want want Rio killed. They're working with the police, they're not working with the police. It was finally getting a little more interesting with the cousin/brother.

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I found it entertaining but like others have said it did go round and round in a monotonous way.  Maybe it will be picked up by Paramount + which is where I found season 2 of the series Evil; also a good show and shocked that it was cancelled by its original network. 

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Posts: 11,424
Registered: ‎07-21-2014

This is such a bummer. I liked this show so much. Figures it would be cancelled to allow room for MORE reality! BLECH.

Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light. —Helen Keller