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based on how they do shows on Royalty like Henry the 8th, Queen Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria. They don't stick to facts they make it up as they go along. I read and like to watch mostly non-fiction material.

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I loved it!   

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I'm on the fence .... but will watch again to see how it goes.  The acting is very subpar for HBO programming.  Story line so far is quite weak and predictable....will see how it evolves with time.  

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Re: Gilded Age on HBO

[ Edited ]

I've watched the first two episodes and am enjoying it so far.  Given that it is written and produced by Julian Fellowes, who did Downton Abbey and Belgravia, I would think the writing and the accuracy of the period will be spot on.


I was a bit surprised by the casting of Christine Baranski and Cynthia Nixon, but was not disappointed by their performances.  I'm looking forward to watching the rest of the season.


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So glad to hear some of you liked it.  I am looking forward to being able to see it at some point and judge for myself.  I adored Downton Abbey and have great hopes for this show too!

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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I love period pieces.  I don't really mind some of the liberties they take with the stories.  With that said, I think Julian Fellowes adds some credibility to the accuracy as he was said to be a stickler on Downton Abbey.  


I think it takes time for a story to develop and I liked the cast.  Not people that I associate with period drama.  So we'll see what they can do and how the story unfolds.  


What it must have been like to wear those fancy dresses and live like that.  HAHA!  If I lived then, would I be super rich?  Or a maid?? LOL.  Probably the former.  I am classy like tha.  :-)

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Re: Gilded Age on HBO

[ Edited ]



While watching Downton Abbey I always wanted to be Lady Cora.  But in reality, I was probably Mrs. Patmore.........🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Edited to add:  And I loved them both!

“I heard the sound I had to follow”
In Your Wildest Dreams by Justin Hayward
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Mrs Patmore!!  LOL>  I think I am Lady Mary but probably more like Lady Edith.  Bless her heart, she won in the end.  LOL!!

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It looks really good from the commercials.  I was hoping it would be on PBS. 

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I set it to record, but then I decided to delete it before I watched. Maybe I'll go back and watch a couple of episodes.