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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Lucky's buddy who was the patient and then walked into a room and saved Lulu, is he a world-renowned transplant surgeon and I didn't hear that or is the hospital staff just going based on him telling them he is and that he is Lucky's friend?  Because if it is the latter and he performs the transplant surgery for Lulu that could be what happens for it to go south for Sam.  


Now that is a storyline I would like to see.  The staff takes the word of some rando telling them he is a specialist and based on that and Lucky vouching for him they beg him to do the surgery and he botches it for Sam.  Much more believable than Cyrus purposely doing it at this point IMO.


The Sasha storyline.  I would have loved it if when Tracy was lashing out at her about her being out of a job she quit on the spot and walked out.  

I may like the storyline of Holly being her mom but I hope they don't do the who's her daddy storyline.  


Robert..oof.  He just isn't looking well or maybe just showing his age but even with the amount of makeup they are using on him he is looking and sounding like a frail old man.  I hope he is well and just aging.


And yes, any day without a Davis woman on the screen is a good day.

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

SAY WHAT? Smiley Surprised


Sasha's father is supposedly Robert Scorpio making Cody her first cousin and Robin and Ethan her sister and brother. FYI, Sasha already knows about Ethan since he's "always in trouble." They also connected her to pulling a con in LLanview with Holly right before she came to PC.   

 @mysoutherncomfort Load me up!! Happy hour is starting early!


Where's Oprah? You get a kid! And you get a kid! And you get a kid!

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Regarding Tracy's treatment of Sasha as a second class citizen, I think it would be much more interesting for her to find out Sasha is the daughter of Holly and Tracy's precious Luke. And by the way, he was nothing but a con and a grifter himself. What gives Tracy the right to brow beat anyone and look her nose down at them? And wht's with Holly and these secret children she never raises? 

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included



On the steps of the Quartermaine mansion, Sasha asks what her mother, Holly, is doing here. Sasha assumes she trying to rope her into one of her scams as usual. Holly says there is no scam this time, and she is trying to save her from disaster. Sasha says sheā€™s already on thin ice here at work, so she doesnā€™t need her to cause more problems for her.


Holly barges in and is stunned that her daughter works as a cook for the Quartermaines. She assumes sheā€™s running a con, but Sasha says she is gainfully employed here. Sasha says her mom has caused her enough trouble over the years, like when she left her with that creepy Vickers guy in Llanview. Holly reminds her that Ethan was in trouble and she had to help him. Sasha screams, ā€œEthanā€™s always in trouble!ā€ Sasha was just glad Nona took her in. Holly knows she isnā€™t the mother that Sasha deserved, and she canā€™t make up for her past mistakes, but she can stop her from making a terrible mistake now. Sasha asks what mistake she is about to make. Holly tells her, ā€œGetting more involved with Cody Bell.ā€


Sasha tells her mother that sheā€™s fallen in love with Cody, and he is a good man. Holly tells her nothing good can come from this relationship and reveals, ā€œCody is your cousin!ā€ Sasha thinks this is low even for her. Holly says she never told her who her father was, even though she always asked her about him. Holly explains she thought her father was dead when she got pregnant with her. When he resurfaced, people were after him. She had to protect her, as Scorpioā€™s have enemies. Holly says Mac did, and so did her father, Robert.


Sasha calls her a liar, but Holly swears it is the truth. Sasha says if it is true, how couldnā€™t she tell her? Robert has another daughter, and they have a relationship. Holly says Anna did a much better job at raising Robin than she did her. Holly says she was twelve and didnā€™t want Robert to hate her for showing up on his doorstep with a daughter he never knew about. She says Robert is the love of her life, and she betrayed him. Sasha thinks this is another con and either she or Robert is the target. Holly swears itā€™s not a con, and she doesnā€™t want to ruin things for her, but she and Cody are cousins. Sasha tells her sheā€™s done with her, stay out of her life, and stay away from Cody!


In the stables, Tracy confronts Cody about Sasha hitting Michael up for money for him. She also notes Sasha said he considered asking her himself. She asks if heā€™s in trouble. Cody promises he is not in trouble. She says, ā€œThen you donā€™t need the money?ā€ Cody says that need and want are two different things. He explains Serenity is on the market, and heā€™s always fantasized about buying the place and turning it into something. She asks what the asking price is. He says six million. She asks what stopped him from asking her for money. He gets the impression that many people draw from the bank of Tracy, and he doesnā€™t want to be one of them.


Tracy guesses the staff has been gossiping, so spill it. Cody has heard about Mitch, and Nedā€™s father, and he didnā€™t want to be another man to use her. Tracy admits many men have used her, and she fell for the biggest offender of all, Luke. However, what started as a scam turned into friendship and, eventually, love.


Cody admits his entry into Port Charles wasnā€™t that great, but heā€™s done work to better himself. Tracy tells him that Leo and James think he hung the moon and that heā€™s great with the horses. Cody asks Tracy how she feels about him. She likes him, so is something he wants to ask her.  He asks, ā€œDo you want to take Hades out tomorrow?ā€ She says she does, early. Cody tells her that if he gets Serenity, he wants to do it on his own, and not because he borrowed money from a very good friend.


Tracy returns to the mansion as Sasha storms out the front door. Tracy sees Holly and says, ā€œLook what the cat dragged in.ā€ Tracy asks why sheā€™s here and what she did to upset their cook. Holly explains that she returned with Lucky Spencer to try to help Lulu. Holly says sheā€™s heard Tracy employs Macā€™s son. Tracy informs her that Cody is none of her concern. Holly had no idea she was so fond of Cody. Tracy says heā€™s a nice man. She wonders why Ethan hasnā€™t come home to be with his sister. Holly explains he didnā€™t take not being a match for Lulu well, and she hasnā€™t seen him in a while. Tracy finds it odd that sheā€™s here and not with her upset son.


Sasha goes to the stables, and Cody says Tracy was just here. He knows she asked Tracy for cash, which is nice, but she didnā€™t need to. Sasha rushes into his arms and passionately kisses him. She quickly pulls away, claims she left a souffle in the oven, and rushes out. Sheā€™s visibly shaken.


Alexis drops by Jordanā€™s office to talk about Molly and TJ. She reveals Molly visited her in Pentonville, and she knows Molly and TJ are struggling. She fears Avaā€™s trial and Ric taking the case could push them over the edge. She admits Ricā€™s a good attorney, and Molly and TJ may not survive as a couple if Ric gets Ava off. Alexis wonders if they should step in and help. Jordan says if they are to survive, they must do it on their own and without their help. Jordan says their kids have to decide on their own if they live their lives together, or apart.


Ric and Ava have dinner at the Port Charles Grill. Ric tells Ava if all goes well, sheā€™ll be a free woman. Ava likes his confidence. Ric admits he has a strategy but doesnā€™t want to share it yet. Ric also notes one of his other clients, Heather, is having her case ruled on tomorrow. He says she should hope her case goes as smoothly as Heatherā€™s, as Ava has a lot of people lined up against her.


Kristina enters and spots Ava with Ric. Ava tells Ric, ā€œHere comes one of my biggest fans.ā€ Kristina approaches them, and Ric asks how she is. Kristina says she could be better, she could be home with her daughter. Ric points out it was supposed to be Mollyā€™s daughter, that was the agreement. Kristina doesnā€™t know how Molly can stand to look at her father when heā€™s representing Ava, the reason Adela died. Ric says Molly knows what she does, Ireneā€™s death wasnā€™t Avaā€™s fault, but hers.


Kristina says Ava threatened her and screamed at her. Ava tells Kristina to calm down as sheā€™s making a scene. Kristina wants to make a scene and screams that she killed Connie and Morgan and didnā€™t pay for her crimes, but she wonā€™t get away with this. Ava says she lost a daughter, too, and knows her pain. Kristina says Ava got to know her daughter and watched her grow up. Kristina cries she never got to hold her daughter. She says Ava will pay for what sheā€™s done! Kristina then slaps the glass out of Ricā€™s hand as he sips it. It shatters on the floor.


Suddenly, Alexis appears and shouts, ā€œKristina!ā€ Ava notices Ricā€™s lip is bleeding. He says, ā€œNot to worry as I wonā€™t press charges.ā€ Alexis tells Kristina they are leaving. Before they go, Ric tells Alexis congrats on the Catesā€™ ruling. He notes itā€™s a miracle that the gun showed up when it did. He guesses she has friends in high places.


Outside, Kristina vents to her mother that Ava is in there having drinks, and her uncle is defending her. Alexis informs Kristina that if she wants Ava to go to prison, then stop helping her defense. She tells her daughter that Ric goaded her into blowing up in there, likely to use it as part of Avaā€™s defense to show how she has repeatedly targeted Ava.


Back inside, Ava knows this canā€™t be easy on Ric, as that baby was his granddaughter. Ava wonders why heā€™s representing her. Ric believes Kristina is to blame for the accident and that sheā€™s out of control, which everyone in this restaurant can testify to. Ava realizes he set this up. Ric did, and Ava says she understands why Sonny hates him so much. Heā€™s more interested in what she thinks of him and his tactics. Ava says the jury is still out, and Alexis will know what heā€™s up to with this stunt. Ric says he will break Kristina on the stand just like he did tonight.


TJ returns home after picking up the dry cleaning. He got Molly her dress for Marshallā€™s big send-off at The Savoy. Molly forgot about the party and has been caught up in a case. TJ asks what the case is. Molly admits itā€™s Ava Jeromeā€™s case. TJ thinks it is a bad idea to get involved in that, but Molly says she is only looking over it. She says if anyone is going to tank this case, it will be Kristina and her knack for self-destruction. She says the case rests on Kristinaā€™s testimony, and sheā€™s a ticking timebomb that will go off, and her dad will play with her like a fiddle.


Molly hopes her calm testimony will help, and she plans to point the finger at Ava. She asks TJ, ā€œIf you are called to testify, what will you say?ā€ TJ agrees with her after thinking it over and even hearing Avaā€™s side of the story. They wouldnā€™t have lost Irene without the Ava component. Heā€™ll never forgive her sister, but she didnā€™t throw herself out that window, and Ava must pay.


Sam and Dante return home, and Dante tells her that Roccoā€™s mom will live because of her and that sheā€™s a hero. Sam says sheā€™s just a person doing a good thing. He says itā€™s more than a good thing and kisses her.


Sam and Dante call the kids downstairs and reveal theyā€™ve found a donor for Lulu. Dante then tells them the donor is Sam. Rocco embraces her in tears.  They ask when the surgery is, and Dante says itā€™s the day after tomorrow.


Scout is worried and asks her mom if sheā€™ll be okay. Sam insists she will be fine, and she and Dante explain the operation to Scout. Scout suggests they have a party after the operation when her mom and Roccoā€™s mom are better. Rocco thanks his dad for coming through with his promise to find a donor for his mom. Dante has them all come in for a group hug.


The show ends with a shot of Luluā€™s bed and the minotors sheā€™s hooked up to beeping.


Next on General Hospital,


Violet asks someone to tell her everything.

Laura tells Tracy this is generous of her, and Tracy says, ā€œI know.ā€

Lucky visits with Liz, but she doesnā€™t think sheā€™s the reason heā€™s here.

Isaiah tells Lucas, ā€œYou should be talking to the police.ā€

Sasha states, ā€œIā€™m not going to let her get away with it.ā€

Felicia tells Holly that she needs to be honest with them.

Kristina feels Sam is turning her back on her.

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Sasha:  Well, we had 2 choices as to how and why Mommy Dearest doesn't want Sasha with Cody....TA DA...they are first cousins.  I was hoping against hope that this poor girl would finally catch a break; but as of this writing, it's not to be.


So now for the DNA test:  Sasha has to know for sure that Robert is her bio-dad. Afterall, who can really believe Holly? How will that happen?  


What has my head spinning 'round and 'round is that we are led to believe that Sasha knew all along Holly was her bio-mother.  This is so way, way out there that even my marinated, stuffed olives are not allowing me to wrap my little grey cells around it.


Cody/Sasha:  So once (if it is true) that confirmation of Sasha's bio-parents are confirmed (ewww, ick...Robert/Holly; Cody is first cousin), does Tracy give Cody the 6 million to buy Serenity and move along little doggie to keep him out of his "cousins" orbit?  Or does Sasha pull up roots and move along?  Dang nabbit.


Meanwhile, back at GH:  Everyone at the penthouse is thrilled that Sam is a match to save Lulu's life....BUTTTT, who is targeting Lulu?


As for Dr. Gannon:  I think his credentials are probably legit; all GH has to do is have him request his credentials/degrees/etc and have them sent to HR at GH.  Of course he professes to "never" do transplant surgery again after losing a patient on the table....hmmmmm....his words; not mine.  Anyone want to bet some bucks on this "never" thing?


Ric:  Slick, Ric, setting up Kristina like that.  Of course she could have entered the restaurant, see Ava/Ric and turned around and waited outside for Alexis.  But, as we know, Krissy is an emotional box of rocks!  


Speaking of rocks:  Molly/TJ...does anyone live happily ever after?



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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

@mysoutherncomfort Can I please clink my martini against yours and add that if Ethan and Sasha know each other, Ethan never bothered to let Lulu or Lucky know he had a sister? 


And Sasha never piped up around the Spencer's and mentioned they were family via a half brother? Carly, Bobbie, Laura, Tracy since she was Luke's wife, anyone... Am I hallucinating this? 


Pass the olives. I need to load up again... šŸøšŸøšŸøšŸøšŸø

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

[ Edited ]

What is wrong with these writers working on GH these days? Alcohol, drugs, mental issues ?


They have taken in the last year EVERY INTERESTING AND

CHEMISTRY couple and placed them in ridiculous storylines and kept all the boring couples together...(Finn and Eliz (formally) Chase and Brooklyn, Sam and Dante..etc............

They have changed every relationship that was actually

interesting...(Sasha & Cody, Jason & Britt, Terry & bodyguard, Obrechct and Scotty (so funny)) Tracy & Gregory)

Poor Sasha hasn't  had a break....the writing team has

to be sadistic!!   Its getting ridiculous these days!!!

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

Wow...watching today's episode and 5 minutes in had to stop and come here to say...NOTHING about Holly and Sasha feels authentic AT ALL. Ugh...lazy writing. And even for soaps, which have always had us having to "suspend belief" to follow along...I'd say GH has jumped the shark. All the freakin' children, parents, half-siblings, cousins, constantly, suddenly showing up with some unbelievable convoluted connection to trace back to. It's all too much. 


Not buying these two as mother/daughter in the slightest. It's like just what I'm watching....two actresses reciting their lines to each taking me into the actual story or fiction of it all.


Emma Samms is not a good actress. Pretty, though; still looks great. Horrible actress.


There's my judgemental rant for today. Sorry. Not sorry.


On another note...the redone Q mansion.... Is the place where Drew and Ned were yesterday, with all the big that the redone Gate House? Or part of the new modern, main mansion? That part is nice.


I hate the entryway of the main mansion they showed yesterday, all the gray, blah, murals on the wall paper. It's like modern but mid century or something...ugly, blah.  I get's a new generation, they figure the young-ins didn't want "Edward and Lila's" mansion...although a lot of that was classic, wealthy, New England...or in this case NY. This is horrid. They might have updated but this ain't it. Dreary, "old looking modern" to me.


No, I'm not in a bad mood, lol...just my thoughts for the day happen to all be not the most complimentary. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @abbalulu ! šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰šŸŽ‰


Chilly willies for everyone! šŸ¹šŸ¹šŸ¹šŸ¹

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Re: General HospitalšŸ„ October 2024-Spoilers Included





General Hospital sent shockwaves through its audience when Holly Sutton showed up at the Quartermaine mansion on Wednesday, October 16 and Sasha Gilmore spoke these fateful words after answering the door: ā€œWhat are you doing here, Mother?ā€ The surprises continued into the Thursday, October 17 episode as Holly revealed, both to Sasha and to the audience, that her father is none other than Robert Scorpio! While this is hardly the first gobsmacking maternity or paternity reveal the show has delivered  ā€” this one has unusually sticky implications, given that Sasha came thisclose to sleeping with her first cousin, Cody!


The Mother Lode

ā€œI knew it was a good story when we were rehearsing in the makeup room to start with and there was a squeal from the makeup department,ā€ begins Emma Samms, Hollyā€™s portrayer. ā€œThat was a good sign! And then another good sign was that when we did the rehearsal upstairs in front of the cameras, even the camera people ā€” who are the most seasoned, and basically disinterested, understandably, after all these years ā€” gasped. There was an audible gasp. And I said to myself, ā€˜This is good! This is getting a reaction!ā€™ And thatā€™s the best you can hope for.ā€


Samms is aware that the twist is likely to stir up some controversy among viewers. ā€œItā€™s going to please some people, itā€™s going to upset some people,ā€ she notes. ā€œBut itā€™s going to surprise everyone! And thatā€™s what you want from a daytime drama. Itā€™s as good as it gets, I think, in terms of plot twists, that anybody could have hoped for, really. Certainly me!ā€


The actress, if you couldnā€™t tell, is a fan of the development. ā€œIā€™m thrilled,ā€ she affirms.

The Sasha/Holly connection came as a surprise to her, as well. She signed on for this most recent return in the dark about the twist. ā€œI knew there was something drastic they had conjured up,ā€ she explains. Once she reported for duty, ā€œI went into Frankā€™s [Valentini, executive producer] office and he said, ā€˜This is whatā€™s happening.ā€™ And I gasped! Seems to be the universal reaction to this story point.ā€


Prior to shooting the reveal episode, not only had Samms never worked with Sofia Mattsson (Sasha), but theyā€™d never actually met. ā€œWe met the day we were doing those scenes, so it was all very sudden,ā€ Samms says. ā€œIt was an emotional scene for both of us, but particularly for her. Sheā€™s very professional, very focused and I was very impressed by her. She is absolutely delightful and an incredible actress. Itā€™s been a complete joy to get to know her and to work with her. She is reminiscent of my daughter,ā€ Beatrice Halloway, ā€œwhich is interesting, because sheā€™s got the same height and she looks not dissimilar to my daughter.ā€


That made the tension between Holly and Sasha even more difficult for Samms as an actress. ā€œHolly hasnā€™t been the most ideal mother and that, for me personally, is quite hard to play,ā€ she admits. ā€œThat is the most important thing in my life, my relationship with my children, so that was a bit awkward. My daughter had to say to me, ā€˜Just go for it, Mum!ā€™ You know, ā€˜Itā€™s just acting! In real life, youā€™re a very good mother!ā€™ So I was like, ā€˜Oh, okay, thank you.ā€™ ā€


Of course, this is not the first secret child that has been scripted for Holly, as it came out in 2009 that she had given birth to a son, Ethan, whose father is Luke Spencer. ā€œTheyā€™ve built up a very elaborate backstory to explain it all,ā€ Samms reports. ā€œWhich Iā€™ve had to relay multiple times to multiple people, multiple characters in the show [laughs].ā€


As for why Holly wouldnā€™t have taken the opportunity to come clean about Sasha when the Ethan truth was unraveling, Samms offers, ā€œThey have done a very good job of helping Holly justify it ā€” not that she can justify it, but itā€™s explained how itā€™s ended up this way. They have dug down deep into past history, the timeline, where everybodyā€™s head was at at the time, and I thank them for that, because it must have taken some digging to come up with that! And all in all, it just boils down to the most fantastic plot twist that Iā€™ve ever done, I think!ā€


Another million-dollar question raised by the reveal is why Holly would keep such a massive secret from Robert for so long, Samms declares, ā€œShe knows that she didnā€™t do right by Robert ā€” or by Sasha. She knows that and she acknowledges that and she feels very bad it. Itā€™s hard to explain, itā€™s hard to excuse that, but deep down, Holly has always tried to do the right thing by everyone. Sheā€™s a con artist, but she would only ā€” and there was one line of dialogue that actually said this ā€” steal from people who a) could actually afford it and b) had done something far worse to other people. And thatā€™s the line in the sand for her. And so despite, you know, all these instincts that she has of how to make money and support herself and support her children, I think she does have a moral line in the sand. Which is not where yours or mine would be! But it is something that she sticks to.ā€


It was, of course, the realization that Sasha was entangled with Cody, the son of Robertā€™s brother, Mac, that made Holly decide she could no longer keep mum about Sashaā€™s pop. ā€œYes, thatā€™s what makes it suddenly urgent,ā€ chuckles Samms. ā€œShe has to tell everybody because Sasha is involved with her first cousin! She has to say something.ā€


Sasha is not exactly grateful. Their dynamic, Samms allows, ā€œis troubled. Itā€™s not like Holly has completely abandoned Sasha, but she hasnā€™t been there consistently. And Sasha, understandably, resents that.ā€


It seems likely that Robert will also harbor some negative feelings about Hollyā€™s deception. (While heā€™s no stranger to finding out his ex-wife secretly had their child, he at least got to meet Robin for the first time when she was still a child!) Felicia has urged Holly to come clean to Scorpio, but facing that particular bit of music is a fraught prospect for Holly. ā€œItā€™s a lovely thing, but itā€™s also a scary thing, to admit that sheā€™s kept this beautiful daughter from Robert for such a long time,ā€ Samms sums up. ā€œThe thing Holly fears most is doing something so awful that Robert will hate her ā€” and her worry is that this will be it. And, of course, the longer she didnā€™t tell him, the more she worried about it.ā€


As far as Samms knows, there arenā€™t yet more kids Holly has yet to disclose. But, she winks, ā€œIt is a soap, isnā€™t it? Unlimited avenues of potential!ā€