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Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

To my surprise they went ahead with part one of the HOH comp after the live show last night. When I saw them popping champagne to celebrate being the final three, I kind of assumed part one would take place today. Nope. It was a very physical comp with ropes, lots of running around, jumping, and a puzzle of some sort. To no one's surprise, Jackson won. He's by far the most physically dominant of the three. Holly came in second and Nicole third after injuring her knee in some manner.


Holly should have her antennae up about that as Jackson had said he'd throw part one to Holly if possible, but instead he charged through and took part one himself when it would have been easy to throw it to Holly as Nicole was supposedly far behind. Is he planning to take Holly to the finale? He knows she has lots of friends in the jury and could beat him with her social game. Maybe she's not in his plans for the final two? We'll have to see what happens down the road. I'm not sure Jackson is in Holly's plan for the final two either. She knows he'll beat her. Is it time to finally cast aside the meat shield and take the half-million?


There's probably no comp today, but part two should take place tomorrow. Then comes the long, long wait until Wednesday when they finally break out of the place.


The jury segment last night gave no real clue as to who will win in the jury's eyes. Jackson and Nicole seemed to be the two most mentioned, but with Kat in the jury pulling for Holly (one would assume) Holly could have a fair amount of support also. We won't learn a whole lot more at the jury roundtable as they tend to talk in circles to not give away who they're voting for to build suspense. (That segment will likely be filmed tonight.)


So, we now know Jackson will be competing in the third and final leg of the HOH comp. Who will he compete against? Holly and Nicole will be fighting it out for the final spot. Hopefully Nicole's leg isn't injured too badly so she's on reasonably solid footing. BB has favored the more physical comps this year which is a big disadvantage to Nicole who is anything but a physical threat. Will the final comp be more mental, more skill, or yet another physical comp? We'll have to see.


The AFP voting will go on until Wednesday and whoever wins that will get an extra $25,000. I'm looking forward to seeing Isabella again at the finale. She broke free of Nick when she saw him sleeping with (not sexually, just sharing a bed and cuddling) with Analyse. Now seeing Nick with Kat, will likely have her breathing fire a bit when they meet up next. Nick swore his undying love to her, at least until she was out of sight, then whoever was available, including Tommy, was next in line.


We should learn on either Sunday's show hosted by Julie, or Wednesday's show, what the plan is for future Big Brothers. We know there will be a season 22 next summer hosted by Julie, but there were preseason reports that they'd ordered a winter version that wouldn't be a celebrity version. With Julie only signed for next summer's version it implies if there is a winter version it'll be another BBOTT.  On the finale they always run the first ads to recruit new players, so we'll see what that says. They've been using the old BBOTT cast in the online commercials commemorating the 20th anniversary of Big Brother internationally, so that's kind of a hint of another BBOTT. They've had lots of interesting casts to choose from, but they chose the BBOTT cast?


Today should be a pretty quiet rest and recovery day for the houseguests. Tonight production will probably drag the jurors out of the jury house and to the sequester hotel for the jury roundtable then lock them all in the hotel until the finale. Then on Sunday, we get to see Jackson dominate part one of the HOH comp. Then on Wednesday we'll see the rest. It sounds like no champagne breakfast, season recap this year unless Julie does it with the three finalists from last season on Sunday. With just a 90 minute finale they're shuffling things around a bit. We get to see all of the first round of the HOH comp on Sunday instead of just getting a teaser of it. That just leaves round two and three for Wednesday's show. The end is near!

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

Excuse my ignorance---please remind me what BBOTT means.  Thank you again for your daily info!  Reading this is one of my morning highlights!

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

@pietook wrote:

Excuse my ignorance---please remind me what BBOTT means.  Thank you again for your daily info!  Reading this is one of my morning highlights!

BBOTT was Big Brother Over The Top. It was an online-only version of Big Brother on CBS All Access where we got to watch everything. The houseguests were sent into the house one at a time and we saw each one walk in and meet the rest. We saw all of the competitions live on the feeds and very, very little was blocked. We saw alliances form on day one and evolve as the season went on. We saw live DR sessions each week.


It was a very divisive season for the fans. Jason Roy (a returnee) led one faction of the house that was a bit cruder (some said more real) composed of Kryssie Ridolfi (singer and famous for her invisibly bleeding hands in the wall comp), Justin Duncan (Cajun restaurant owner), Danielle Lickey (model), Neeley Jackson (store clerk) and Shane Chapman (carpenter and love interest of Danielle.)


The other side of the house was the Ballsmashers, a mostly girl alliance of Alex and Morgan Willett (sisters), Shelby Stockton (an aspiring lawyer who went in playing the ditzy blond role until she quickly tired of it and showed her real self), Scott Dennis (resident nerd), Monte Massongill (jock), Whitney Hogg (no relation to Cliff, southern girl role, she later flipped sides to join Jason's side, but started out a Ballsmasher), and Cornbread, our older guy.


Jason's side of the house dominated for a bit and were pretty classless (wiping their armpits on the pillows of the Ballsmashers and just generally doing anything possible to give them a hard time.) Jason found out that Shelby loved one kind of candy and always took it and hid it. His side just did anything and everything possible to annoy the others. the house was the most divided house we've probably ever seen in BB. The Ballsmashers just had fun. They played games and laughed a lot and were fun to watch. Justin sort of became an honorary Ballsmasher for a while as he really liked how much fun they were having as opposed to the more or less nonstop hate the other side spouted.


Ultimately, Morgan Willett pulled out the win, beating Jason in the final vote, much to his shock and dismay. There was a lot of fan voting (too much in all reality) and a smaller top prize of just $250,000. 


In this year's BB21 cast, Tommy had been a finalist for BBOTT, but didn't make the final cut. I don't know which role he would have played in the house. Maybe taking over for Scott? Casting was done by the people who cast The Amazing Race instead of Kassting (who typically does BB, as Kassting was casting the Canadian version of BB at the time.) It was a pretty interesting cast. Jason had a cult-like following in the house which was interesting to watch.

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

WOW  I never knew they take the houseguests out of the jury house and sequest them in a hotel till the finale.boy its like you are on jury duty on a big case.I guess they want them to keep their opinions to themselves till the end.

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

@heart of savino wrote:

WOW  I never knew they take the houseguests out of the jury house and sequest them in a hotel till the finale.boy its like you are on jury duty on a big case.I guess they want them to keep their opinions to themselves till the end.

Yeah, the next to last juror, Cliff this year, never goes to the jury house. (At least in a typical year.) They go to the sequester hotel. Then they take all the jurors to the courtyard of the hotel for filming the jury roundtable. Once the roundtable is filmed, they all stay at the hotel until the finale. Then they get loaded in vans or a minibus for the trip to the studio for the finale. Then back to the hotel after the finale for one final night, then lots of post-show interviews, then the cast party, then they're finally free. Well, sort of free. CBS still largely controls them for a full year, but then they'll be totally free.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

On BBAD last night Nicole went to bed after the live show while Mighty Man Michie showered.  He talked to Holly of his comp win and how he enjoyed watching her run around trying to compete ...  it was soooo cute and he laughed.  Then he watched Holly take a shower and afterwards (wrapped in her towel) they relaxed in the glow of Michie’s big win.  They tried to get Nicole to come out of the RV room for awhile, but she was dug in and didn’t want to be seen as the third wheel of the group.  So Holly came in and started talking to Nicole about her feelings, and that slowly evolved into a discussion of Nicole’s misinterpretation of some B.B. events that transpired during the summer, especially those events Holly and/or Michie participated in together.  Slowly the cloud of misperceptions arose and the sun began to rise again !!  After awhile Michie appeared again and said he would also like the opportunity to correct certain recollections of Nicole’s and offered a game of chess upstairs.  


This weekend it will be interesting to see Holly and Michie compete for Nicole’s “recollections” of the season which apparently need some “tweaking” by them and might result in a positive jury vote for one of them.  I would trust Holly’s interpretation over Michie ... of course including Nicole’s clouded mischaracterization of Tommy.  So how lucky is it that Holly AND Michie would take the time to personally correct the record.  Nicole ... I will pray for you ... 

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

Yesterday I kept putting the date, 9-17, on everything. It wasn't until late afternoon I realized it was actually the 19th. Then last night as I was posting I saw the thread was dated 7/19. I imagine yours was just a typo @gardenman , but me? Somehow I felt like I lost a couple of days. I mean, seriously, where did they go, lol.


Thanks for bringing us back to September today. I wasn't happy about feeling like I lost two whole days but I doubt any of us could take another 2 months of this season! 

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

@SusieQ_2 , You and I must be kindred spirits!  I got chills when I read about your loss of 2 days!  This past Tuesday, all day, until probably 5:00 PM or so, I thought it was Wednesday!!  I even put my garbage bin out on the street for pickup (pickup is on Thursdays).  Imagine my surprise when my Tuesday afternoon TV shows came on Wednesday!  That was what caused me to get the calendar out and look, and it was Tuesday, not Wed!!!   I was so shocked at myself, because I worked for 42 years, and never got a day mixed up, but now in my retirement, without much structure to my life anymore, I guess I can make any day into the day I want it to be!!!   LOL


Poor Nicole  -   I don't think we will see her in the Final 2, and it is a shame.  

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

It does leave you with a weird feeling, @123SuzyQ123 , but it's nice to know I'm in good company. And at least you gained a day!

Well, sort of anyway. Smiley Very Happy


I think you could be right about Nicole. I'd love to see her get to F2 but she's going to have to earn it. If part 2 is endurance she's probably in trouble. 

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Re: Friday 9/20/2019 Big Brother 21 live Feed Spoilewrs and Updates!!!

@Pantsonfire2 wrote:

On BBAD last night Nicole went to bed after the live show while Mighty Man Michie showered.  He talked to Holly of his comp win and how he enjoyed watching her run around trying to compete ...  it was soooo cute and he laughed.  Then he watched Holly take a shower and afterwards (wrapped in her towel) they relaxed in the glow of Michie’s big win.  They tried to get Nicole to come out of the RV room for awhile, but she was dug in and didn’t want to be seen as the third wheel of the group.  So Holly came in and started talking to Nicole about her feelings, and that slowly evolved into a discussion of Nicole’s misinterpretation of some B.B. events that transpired during the summer, especially those events Holly and/or Michie participated in together.  Slowly the cloud of misperceptions arose and the sun began to rise again !!  After awhile Michie appeared again and said he would also like the opportunity to correct certain recollections of Nicole’s and offered a game of chess upstairs.  


This weekend it will be interesting to see Holly and Michie compete for Nicole’s “recollections” of the season which apparently need some “tweaking” by them and might result in a positive jury vote for one of them.  I would trust Holly’s interpretation over Michie ... of course including Nicole’s clouded mischaracterization of Tommy.  So how lucky is it that Holly AND Michie would take the time to personally correct the record.  Nicole ... I will pray for you ... 

@Pantsonfire2     Where have you been all season ? You are great at telling the BBAD round-up. With @gardenman 's daily and your BBAD , we've got a complete show. THANKS