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Some of us regard our soap characters as Family, and we consider them much more important to us than news!! Hard to believe, but so true!!! for many, having soaps in their lives is the best part of the day and good company, just like for some same for watching shopping channels

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@Shelbelle  I don't find that hard to believe at all. I realize there are far too many folks that are alone and rely on characters on a soap or shopping channel sales people for company during the day and see them as family/friends.


That is all well and good as long as they realize the actors or sales people don't know their viewers from Adam and only care if they watch/buy in order to keep their jobs. 

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Grew up watching soaps, but got away  from it when "Soapnet" folded.


I can think of a couple of things I learned from soaps:  "Ryan's Hope" had a rent strike plotline, and I learned the steps needed to be taken.  And, some vocabulary words along the way: The difference between libel and slander.  Those shows usually had a lawyer and a doctor character in the cast.  But yes, it's mostly for mindless fun viewing.  Nothing wrong with that.

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@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

I haven't watched soap operas in 40 years. When I first married we got 1 channel, CBS, I think.  If the TV was on during the day, it was soaps in the afternoon.


Our local news has a talk back segment where viewers call in and comment (usually it is bi*ching) about stuff.


Soaps were pre-empted a few days ago for a national news thing.

Some old woman called just having a case of the vapors because her soaps weren't on. She said, "let me tell you, I've learned more watching soaps than tI have from the news".  Well, okey dokey.


I can't say I remember learning anything other than dead husbands/lovers/boyfriend turn up you you are just about to be married, the son up gave up decades ago is apt to show up as your DD's boyfriend, you can marry a man, divorce him and marry one or all of his sons overtime.


What have soap operas taught you?

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Did you stop to think that she may have not much in her life to look forward to?  Or that she is alone and this is impotant to her? She may not have family and friends to talk to, people to go do things with, not the life that you have.  


I can well imagine being some old lady with the vapors as you put it. . . 

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@Sooner  Yes, some folks are lonely but it was 1 day.  Soaps were usually slower than a herd of turtles in storylines. I'm pretty sure she didn't misss much.


I was laughing about her learning things from soaps and not the news.  Soap lessons are adultry, family mayhem and business shenanigans.


Soaps are not real life, sadly, as horrible as the news is these days, it is real life.  Again, it was 1 day.

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the political hearings are like soap operas. let us watch the real thing. Cspan is for government hearings.

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Learned not to take life seriously and to watch for the fun of it.  I always watched with my mother when  I was able and took time off work daily to go to the hospital to watch them with her when she was terminal.  Great bonding time and now I still watch them and think of her!

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Re: For Soap Opera Watchers

[ Edited ]

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@Sooner  Yes, some folks are lonely but it was 1 day.  Soaps were usually slower than a herd of turtles in storylines. I'm pretty sure she didn't misss much.


I was laughing about her learning things from soaps and not the news.  Soap lessons are adultry, family mayhem and business shenanigans.


Soaps are not real life, sadly, as horrible as the news is these days, it is real life.  Again, it was 1 day.

@CrazyKittyLvr2 It sounded to me like you were making fun of her.  I was just pointing out that lives are different, and maybe it was a big deal to her.  In any case, if you had a good time fine. 


And by the way, the "lessons" from the news are adultry, family mayhem, business and international shenanigans, robbery, murder, etc. . . 

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@Sooner  Real life mayhem and business dealings could actually effect anyone at anytime, a soap problem is just TV. I want to be aware of things that may impact my life.


I watch enough news to make sure an asteroid isn't hurling towards us and the day's highlights. I don't care if a Forrester (Bold and Beautiful) is doing the horizontal mumba with his secretary or whoever.



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@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

@Sooner  Real life mayhem and business dealings could actually effect anyone at anytime, a soap problem is just TV. I want to be aware of things that may impact my life.


I watch enough news to make sure an asteroid isn't hurling towards us and the day's highlights. I don't care if a Forrester (Bold and Beautiful) is doing the horizontal mumba with his secretary or whoever.



@CrazyKittyLvr2 Then why digs at someone for watching?  I don't see a point in it.