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I love this show.


I think of it as she helps people feel good about themselves.

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She does have some gross cases, but they don't gross me out, if that makes sense.  Watching her, I learned what a lipoma was and was able to recognize them on my dog. 🤷‍♀️

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@Shelbelle wrote:

Very good episode last night. Didnt care for the new show that followed called Stuck, switched channels

I spent most of the episode of Stuck with this look on my face!


17 Thoughts Parents Have Upon Hearing About The "Frozen" Sequel | Shocked  face, Funny facial expressions, Disgusted face meme


I think if I were the lady with the "toy" stuck up her backside, I wouldn't talk about it on a TV show!  Yikes!

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@Shelbelle wrote:

What amazes me is the procedures she does under local anesthetic right in her office. Other docs would send you to a surgical ctr or a hospital and put you to sleep. 

I had five Pilar cysts removed from my scalp and a cyst removed from my back at the same time in the plastic surgeon's office with just a local.  I was wide awake.  

I have have many skin growths removed from my body over the years...

mostly Pilar cysts...was always awake.

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@phoenixbrd wrote:

I can't watch, but appreciate how much she has positively impacted people.  It also gives me pause as to why so many of her clients have not been able to get relief from their doctors.

$$$ Many of these procedures she does are considered cosmetic and not covered by insurance.


Some procedures are medically necessary, but the clients don't have insurance or money.

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@Shelbelle wrote:

I have learned so much from her, my friend has a lipoma on her shoulder, I keep telling her it is nothing to be removed and sent her videos on You Tube of Dr Lee in action. 



For your friend’s sake, I hope your assessment is correct.  If not,

it could eventually cause her harm.

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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@aubnwa01  You just made me belly laugh so hard with that picture! I even woke up my cat with my laughter 😂🤣

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@Carmie wrote:

@Shelbelle wrote:

What amazes me is the procedures she does under local anesthetic right in her office. Other docs would send you to a surgical ctr or a hospital and put you to sleep. 

I had five Pilar cysts removed from my scalp and a cyst removed from my back at the same time in the plastic surgeon's office with just a local.  I was wide awake.  

I have have many skin growths removed from my body over the years...

mostly Pilar cysts...was always awake.

Dr Lee removes Pilar cysts quite often, I cant imagine hsving these for so many years like some of her patients have had.  Glad yours were removed and you had good results. 

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@aubnwa01 wrote:

@Shelbelle wrote:

Very good episode last night. Didnt care for the new show that followed called Stuck, switched channels

I spent most of the episode of Stuck with this look on my face!


17 Thoughts Parents Have Upon Hearing About The "Frozen" Sequel | Shocked  face, Funny facial expressions, Disgusted face meme


I think if I were the lady with the "toy" stuck up her backside, I wouldn't talk about it on a TV show!  Yikes!


@aubnwa01   Well, it was informative, lol, never heard of such a thing.  I am sure the procedure was free, and she may have helped some other weirdos to think twice before inserting objects into their body, so gross.  the worst I have heard of is putting small animals in, poor little souls, horrible people who do this.

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Posts: 23,835
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

@aubnwa01 wrote:

@Shelbelle wrote:

Very good episode last night. Didnt care for the new show that followed called Stuck, switched channels

I spent most of the episode of Stuck with this look on my face!


17 Thoughts Parents Have Upon Hearing About The "Frozen" Sequel | Shocked  face, Funny facial expressions, Disgusted face meme


I think if I were the lady with the "toy" stuck up her backside, I wouldn't talk about it on a TV show!  Yikes!

@aubnwa01  Interesting fact is that emergency room doctors say these toys placed in backend areas is really common!😄