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I'd like him to go back and see what has happened in the original Dr. Phil Family......they were so scewed up with babies, drug use, marriages, affairs............Dr. Phil's show spent a fortune on these people and the last time they were on, I think they were still screwed up and the parents were raising the grand children of the older daughter.

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I think Dr. P was holding back during that interview with BR.

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I am honestly surprised that his show is still on.  The last few seasons have been SO DULL and predictable.  Time for Phil  to retire to The Talk show graveyard.....I for one will not miss him.

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@SophiaMarie I agree with you, I'd like to see some follow-ups too on Dr. Phil.  I have to wonder how many people actually follow through on the help he offers them.


It sure is free publicity for all of these Drs and treatment facilities.


You can totally bet he and his 2 sons are invested (financially) in these treatment centers.  Although if they help even one or two people, who cares.  He's just so sneaky about all of it.


It makes me sick when he's had people sitting up on the stage pouring their heart out and then near the end of the show he says something like (paraphrasing), "If you want to look better try Robin's face cream....bla bla)".

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@Daisy wrote:

I think Dr. P was holding back during that interview with BR.


@Daisy Sunflower, not coincidentally, "Dr." Phil and Burke & John Ramsey share the same attorney, Lin Wood.  He put them together. Many believe he was very involved in choosing the questions asked and the old footage shown and maybe even the final edit.  Why he put Burke Ramsey on that show is beyond me, BR certainly didn't help himself in those three hours.

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@LoriLori wrote:

Why he put Burke Ramsey on that show is beyond me, BR certainly didn't help himself in those three hours.

I wonder what the outcome will be concerning BR's lawsuit. I checked to see if there was any info about it, but didn't find anything.


However, I did find a few sites that were interesting...lots of theories about who did it and why.  People are still talking about it. Lots of recent comments.

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@Daisy wrote:

@LoriLori wrote:

Why he put Burke Ramsey on that show is beyond me, BR certainly didn't help himself in those three hours.

I wonder what the outcome will be concerning BR's lawsuit. I checked to see if there was any info about it, but didn't find anything.


However, I did find a few sites that were interesting...lots of theories about who did it and why.  People are still talking about it. Lots of recent comments.


@Daisy Sunflower, there are two lawsuits, one against Dr. Werner Spitz alone for what he said in a radio station interview and the one against CBS etc.  Lin Wood, never shy about going for the big buckage, has asked for hundreds of millions in each suit. 


They are both proceeding through the courts with pre-trial motions.  (People on Websleuths post when there are case conferences scheduled.) 


Most everyone who has been sued by the Ramseys have settled to get them off their back but CBS's lawyers say they will not settle.  Fox News is the only libel case filed by the Ramseys (via Lin Wood) where the person or entity being sued refused to settle -- and Fox News prevailed in court.


There are motions to dismiss in both suits based on the fact that Burke Ramsey is no longer a private citizen but rather he made himself a public figure by going on Dr. Phil so he can't even sue for libel.  


While I and a zillion other people like me would very much like to see it litigated so hidden evidence can finally be brought into the light, another part of me believes this is true:  if he wanted not to be a public figure he should not have done three hours of Dr. Phil before the show aired.  Perhaps smarmy Lin Wood outsmarted himself this time.

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The mention of the man's name, or thinking about him, makes me want to hurl.

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@Daisy Sunflowerwrote: 

I think what they had been hoping for kinda backfired.

That "smile" is so creepy and scary. He smiled and his eyes lit up at one point...almost as if he was filled with joy just thinking about it.  

I wonder what the father/son relationship is like now. Or if he has any kind of relationship with the rest of his family/relatives.


He and his father are close.  He graduated from Purdue.  He got a pilot's license and flies his father's planes sometimes.  He snowboards and skis.  He has or had at least one girlfriend.  We know all this because he had a public Facebook page but deleted it years ago.  But you know you can never really delete anything from on the web.


This was on his Facebook page:


Not at all like the guy everyone saw on Phil, is it.


James Kolar believes that what Burke had is a specific disorder which is something kids who have it, even ones who kill, grow out of or are cured of.   Burke was under care of a psychiatrist at the time JonBenet was murdered and had a history of aggressive and/or violent acts toward her.  The Ramseys would not provide his records.


So how does that Burke Ramsey -- graduating college, even living in the dorm, piloting planes, snowboarding, skiing, belonging to clubs at college, kissing his blonde girlfriend -- how does any of that go with the creepy, inappropriate Burke on Dr. Phil?  


And why didn't the Dr. Phil show mention any of the normal stuff?