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New season, I finally saw , starts Sept. 12th

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@SharkE wrote:

New season, I finally saw , starts Sept. 12th


I saw previews of the "new" season and saw some old shows that are being  repeated--such as the interview with Burke Ramsey.  What's with that?!?

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Maybe he's having trouble having people come on there.  When he's asking people to contact the show to come on, it's almost as if he's begging people to please call.


I wouldn't think he'd have much trouble with the way the world is today, I know even in my family I should submit some of the names.  Ha!  Could you see me on there?  I'd be like, "To the ladies of the QVC forum...Annabelle here...Hello".

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Yeah, sista' we could name a few loonies couldn't we ?

ROFL  Dr. Phil would have a field day



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@fortune wrote:

@SharkE wrote:

New season, I finally saw , starts Sept. 12th


I saw previews of the "new" season and saw some old shows that are being  repeated--such as the interview with Burke Ramsey.  What's with that?!?



I didn't understand that one either. I don't know whether to feel sorry for that boy or be scared of him. I can't figure him out.


That whole family said after that interview there was gonna be no more coming from them about that whole story. They were going to clam up and quit talking, so, I wouldn't think there would be another interview.

I'm ready for those old cases to dry up any way. Unless, they really find out what happened which I don't think they will. Whoever did the deed won't get by with it in the next life.

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I would like to see some follow-ups on the guests he sends away for therapy.  He always promises but never comes through.


Oh and if Robyn gets any tinier, we'll be able to see right through her.

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I like the way he lays down the law. They're not used to paying attention to any authority and it scares them to death. They haven't been raised to pay any attention to anything except themselves and now they come up against him and he sets them straight right quick and they start to pucker up and holler for their mommies because their mommies have made them what they are. Spoiled and entitled brats.


He lets them know if he gets involved "with all my resources the best of the best and if I hear your not leaning into the program I'll kick your a** to the curb so fast you won't know what hit you".   Like he says he's got plenty of folks that want to get clean and straighten up to waste his time on losers and cry babies.

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I saw a "glamour shot" ad with Robyn selling her skin care line in a women's magazine.  You'd think with all their assets she wouldn't need to do this.


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Yea..I was thinking it was never coming back.  I think I watch to make me feel my life is not as bad as I thought.  I think there would be more than enough craziness to fill the shows but I would not want to be yelled at on national TV.

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@Annabellethecat66 wrote:

Maybe he's having trouble having people come on there.  When he's asking people to contact the show to come on, it's almost as if he's begging people to please call.


I wouldn't think he'd have much trouble with the way the world is today, I know even in my family I should submit some of the names.  Ha!  Could you see me on there?  I'd be like, "To the ladies of the QVC forum...Annabelle here...Hello".



I think he's waaay past quality viewing.  He's more like a snake oil salesman, not a knowledgeable shrink.   (Real shrinks are on staff to analyze the guests and write copy for Phil to read on the air.  He doesn't come up with this stuff on his own.)  Even in the credits, there's a disclaimer that this show is for "entertainment purposes", not real, legitimate information.


In fact, it has seemed to me the last couple years that even Oprah has distanced herself from him.   


A lot of people see his family as a bunch of money grubbers, and I think they are right.  ugh!