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Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

It amazes me how many people think it's ok to shoplift.  And it amazes me that basically we do nothing about it.  How on earth did we get here. . . Woman Frustrated

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

@Sooner All this thieving activity leaves one scratching their head like Columbo.  I do not know that I would feel safe shopping in some locations at this point.

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

[ Edited ]

It got that way because the laws changed so it favors the perps. I blame the lawmakers.

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

[ Edited ]

Without getting into too much detail, our business sells onsite to business people, professional people - and they shoplift too.  We have caught a few, but not all, as we notice things missing that we know we did not sell. I shudder to think all that was stolen from us over the years because we do not have eyes on all sides of our heads.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

What amazes me is "It's ok to steal if it's from a corporation."  It's ok to steal if you aren't paid enough.  It's ok to steal. . . and so on. 

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

Because it's now only a misdemeanor to steal $950 worth of products in California.  


In other states where looting has been rampant, nothing is done to those who have been doing it.  They are released that day or the next day.  


All retailers and insurance companies that pay for the damage should leave those areas high and dry without any stores.  Would that wake the residents up demanding it stop?  Would anyone listen if they did?





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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

When you watch it happening repeatedly on the news, with no consequences, it emboldens others to do the same.  Security doesn't help ...  if I had a small store with jewelry or high end products, I would keep the doors locked, have ARMED security and let in those who meet my requirements.  I would not open my doors and become a sitting duck ...

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

Maybe the moral of the story is that WE aren't demanding that our lawmakers do their jobs.  

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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

I'ver read some interesting editorials about this. Here are some thoughts....


1. Professional theives plus a few rookies tagging along.--It's really pretty easy to over power a couple of security cops with 20-40 people that get in and out in a couple of minutes or less.


2. Some cities have set a low dollar standard for prosecution of  theft. Many consider a few hundred dollars as misdemeanor and the thief never shows for court. So it is a low risk crime.


3.  We are seeing a break down of civil norms. Citizens are ignoring common rules such as obeying traffic signals, orderly merging in traffic, telling the truth, showing for jury duty, gun violence, damaging public property..........Law and order is being ignored by all segments of our society. 





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Re: Dr. Phil today--Thursday 2nd

What amazes me are the number of bleeding hearts who think it's okay to steal groceries because the perps MIGHT be hungry. 


Almost everyone in America has access to a food bank, food stamps, or a church pantry.  Theft is theft, for which we all pay.  So much, including food, is stolen to resell for money to buy drugs.  Heck yes, I'd report someone I saw stealing food. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment