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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

I watched it and liked it. I think they did a good job of laying the story and the characters out for people like me who have no idea what this is about. so far, so good.

QVC Shopper - 1993

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

Loved the original and watched it every time they brought it back for a re-run.  All of the characters were just that, real characters - something to grab onto - to love  or not.


Did watch episode one of the new "Poldark."  Hope it warms up a bit.  There was much to like in terms of locale and true to history about this production.  Looking forward to more.

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

sfnative. I watched it decades ago. It was a bit hard to understand because some of the cast spoke with a deep Cornwall accent. I hope this lives up to the other series

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

I loved it.  Several people here recommended it to me.  By now some of my old (not age old, friends old) buddies know what I like and they were exactly right!


I loved, loved (2 loves!) it.  He's might fine to look at.  It was a bit predictable (that the girl was beautiful once cleaned up) but that's OK, I still liked it a lot.

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

Yes, I watched it too, and really enjoyed it. I look forward to the rest of the series, too. Cat Happy

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

Love it!  Just watched it today (I had recorded it) and it is wonderful.  I really like the actor who plays Ross.  The music and scenery is absolutely stunning.  I had never heard of this show before and I hope it continues for a long time.  

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?



You're so right about the Cornwellian accent of the characters in the previous production of "Poldark."  I'd forgotten about that until you mentioned it.


What came to mind was that when DH and I started watching it, we had a darned difficult time at first understanding the husband and wife "keepers" of the house and some of the "hands" as well.  Both of us are pretty good with accents, but this was a challenge, which we did overcome.



I recall one Monday when my Corpsman arrived for work and I asked him if he enjoyed the new Harry Potter movie.  Said he didn't like it one bit, as he couldn't understand a word of it!  Said it sounded like a foreign language to him.  (He hadn't seen any of the other movies.)

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

I finally watched it online.  I really like it and will continue to watch each week. 

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

When I was young, I had a job at the Pentago.  I worked for the Air Force.  We had people from England, New Zealand, Australia and Canada in our office.  They had their own secretaries but my boss (a Lt Colonel and I (the secretary) ran the office.


These people reported directly to the British Embassy (except the Canadian).  


It was a joke with them that I had soooo much trouble understanding them.  They'd say things like, "I'm the one speaking English the way it is supposed to be spoken.  You Americans are the one's who are speaking another language which is NOT English".  Ha!  It was all in good fun.


There are so many words they used that are very different from words we use.  Words like nappies (diapers), lollies (candies) it goes on and on.


Now that many years has passed, I'm back to trying to understand them when they're on TV.  I actually have an easier time understanding a Spanish/American accent than I do any of the one's I just spoke about.

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Re: Did Anyone Watch Poldark?

Would someone tell me the gist of this? I recorded it last for the first time since a lot of you liked it..  I see a lot of PBS. Thank goodness for captions on programs.