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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

I am still drawing a blank on this kidnapping storyline - guess it didn't impress me - HaHa!!

o/t to Jud - don't know if you are interested, but Giuliana has the special at midnight on HSN. Did you like how she looked at the Oscars? I liked the warmer hair color on her.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

Hi to my friends in the soap world, Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.tucka.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

On 2/25/2015 tucka said:

Hi to my friends in the soap world, Hope everyone is staying warm and safe.tucka.

Hi tucka - hope all is well with you!!

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

Tucka, I just posted to you on the "D" thread. You are so wise and seem to always show the way. Thank you for that.

Eager2Learn, sorry to confuse you, "shark" is a play on words as you will see if you join us on the thread.

Everyone who is good-hearted (which covers all the DAYSies here) is welcome.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

On 2/25/2015 twinsister said:

I am still drawing a blank on this kidnapping storyline - guess it didn't impress me - HaHa!!

o/t to Jud - don't know if you are interested, but Giuliana has the special at midnight on HSN. Did you like how she looked at the Oscars? I liked the warmer hair color on her.

twin, I stopped watching the Oscars when all the real movie stars passed away. It was a special time, Bob Hope was at the helm, and the movies were movies. About Giuliana, I liked the blonde hair and no one was more surprised than I was-didn't dream she'd look good blonde, but I thought she looked great.

hi, tucka, nice to see you. Today was a beautiful day, just so they could hit us with below zero tonight, those dirty rats. They also say the cold temperatures will kill all those germs out there-wrong. Stay warm.

BTW, did you all see Sami doing that toothbrush commercial on the DAYS hour toDAY? She's got a nerve-she ups and leaves us then comes back for some two bit toothbrush, past sins forgotten? I don't think so, Allison. I'm still mad. Now think real hard. Is there NOTHING you haven't done??? Ooops, it's that two negative grammar rule-I just blew it. It was worth it.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

Hi, DAYSies. Our conversation chit chat thread named Danky is open again for business and I want to invite everyone here, if you wish, to come on over there and just shoot the breeze.

The thread began life as posting about Big Brother but branched out long ago and you are all very welcome.

As for our show, I tried to watch the second half hour yesterday and only made it through five minutes.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

I just caught the last 15 minutes-are things hunky dory now with Jordan and Clyde? Seems like-didn't see any animosity about her-and he is acting like he cares about Ben-does he?

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

On 2/26/2015 Judaline said:

I just caught the last 15 minutes-are things hunky dory now with Jordan and Clyde? Seems like-didn't see any animosity about her-and he is acting like he cares about Ben-does he?

Jud - I think Jordan finally realized that Clyde really does care about Ben - and Clyde seems to be sincere about it.

Also Jud wanted to tell you that PBS is having another My Music special titled My Yearbook featuring music from 1960 - 1963. Hosted by Bobby Vinton and Tina Cole (remember her from My Three Sons?). Starts airing this Saturday - Feb. 28th and all through March. It is not showing in my area until March 7th, so check your listings (if you are interested). We have talked about these specials before, so I thought I would pass it along.

Sorry DAYSIES for going o/t. Back to DAYS....

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

twin, THANKS. I love Tina Cole-always thought she had a pretty voice. Well, duh, coming from the King Sisters family! I sure will look for it. I saw Connie Stevens on one of those shows a few years ago. She introduced Frankie Avalon and said, 'he's still got it.' hahaha Well, he can still sing, that's for sure.

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Re: Days NO spoilers please, week of 02/23

Thanks for that info too twin about the PBS show. I love those shows!!!! And I remember Tina Cole too. Didn't she have sort of a manly voice?