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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

Billy Flynn may be a decent actor, but he's definitely no Chad DiMera! He's not tall enough. He doesn't have the bad boy look. His suit today looked like it came from the sale rack at Kohl's and was 2 sizes too big. That little stunt he pulled with the gun was so lame. EJ should have taken him to DiMera University over that little prank. Abby dumped Chad for lying to Cameron for Pete's Sake! Do the writers think we all have amnesia or something??? NuChad is more like NotChad, IMO.

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

On 9/15/2014 Shelbelle said:
On 9/15/2014 autumnfaire said:

Nu-Chad looks like Nick with dark hair--the last Chad was much better looking. I won't be happy if they kill off EJ!

My coworker also said today that Nu Chad looks like Nick.

I'd love to have one of those morphing programs. I think he is definitely a cross between JJ and Nick!

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

How could I forget about the arm?? She got between some guys and the keg and now she thinks it's broken??? Dumb!

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

On 9/15/2014 Shelbelle said:
On 9/15/2014 autumnfaire said:

Nu-Chad looks like Nick with dark hair--the last Chad was much better looking. I won't be happy if they kill off EJ!

My coworker also said today that Nu Chad looks like Nick.

I could hardly believe it when I saw the Nu Chad. He looks like the boy I went to my senior prom with!

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

On 9/15/2014 autumnfaire said:

Nu-Chad looks like Nick with dark hair--the last Chad was much better looking. I won't be happy if they kill off EJ!

OMG- I was thinking the same thing-he looks like he could be Nick's brother!!

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

On 9/15/2014 Judaline said:

Let's see, I think Theresa used both hands on John's head. Yeah, kind of like you would hold a baseball bat (she was taking no chances). Holmes could see this in a minute. 'Elementary, my dear DAYSies. This man was struck from behind by a right handed person. The presumed perpetrator is left handed! There were only three people in the room at the scene of the crime. The victim, and two suspects. Therefore, the guilt rests on..... Theresa Donovan!'

Fabulous!!! LOL

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

Thanks, janie.{#emotions_dlg.blush}

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

Thanks, DAYSIES. I haven't been in the mood to watch today's story and now several of you convinced me easily not to be bothered.

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

We're there for ya, OT. Image result for high five emoticon

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Re: DAYS - No Spoilers Please - September 15th - September 21st

On 9/15/2014 soonersis said:

I could hardly believe it when I saw the Nu Chad. He looks like the boy I went to my senior prom with!

Thanks for the heads-up! Now I'm not going to say what I was going to about his looks!

Did you enjoy the prom?