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CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

I can't sleep and turned on the TV.  Of course nothing good is on so I started watching CSI Miami.


I watched the original CSI and loved William Petersen.  Never watched the New York or Miami versions.


This show is so bad.  I hate the yellowish haze in some shots.  I don't like David Caruso and watching him  constantly tilt his head is making my neck hurt just looking at him.


The blonde, don't know the character, is picking up bomb fragments in spike heels.  Eva Larue was just wearing 4" heels to rescue someone on the beach. The lady cornorer wears heels too when inspecting dead bodies. Oh, and cleveage.


I know it's TV but sometimes shows have technical advisors to add some reality.  I know Gil Garcetti who was DA in Los Angeles was a consulting producer on The Closer.


I need to find a good book to read.



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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

NCIS: New Orleans is on TNT late at night. I watch this all the time. Castle is on late at night on the same station.

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

@elated   I forgot about the New Orleans one.  I watch it but don't love it.  I think I've seen them all.  DH and I watched Castle, it was ok, but not good enough to watch again.


Sometimes I get lucky and there is a good movie on but not tonight.


I should fire up the Kindle and buy some books. If DD wasn't sleeping I'd putter in the kitchen but her bedroom is right above it and I don't want to wake her up.

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

I couldn’t stand how they always had to film him. That show was bad. 

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

Hmmm, I loved watching David Caruso. The show I watched once and couldnt watch anymore was Criminal Minds. Thats some crazy stuff. 

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

@CrazyKittyLvr2  The way professional women are dressed on tv and in the movies does a real disservice to young women in the work force.  As a manager in a bank I had to have countless discussions with young women about what they were wearing.  They see successful women on tv dressed like hookers and think that’s an appropriate way to dress.  I finally just started telling them I didn’t want to see any body part that started with a “B” - boobs, butts or bellys.  

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

[ Edited ]

LOL! I have always thought David Caruso was over rated as an actor- His acting is so predictable as to be almost a parody of himself..


I first remember seeing him in a movie called "Jade" which I actully paid money to see- Joe Eszterhaus wrote it, William Friedkin directed it, I figured it HAD to be good- WRONG!


Just about every role I have seen David Caruso in since then, (it was mid '90's) seem like a reprise of  the Distict Attorney character he portrayed in this movie..


I know a lot of people must like his acting,  but I am not one of them..

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

@Deb665   I know what you mean about women portrayed on TV.  A woman I went to high school with was a real CSI.  She never dressed like the Miami show.  I know TV has to make it interesting for ratings but high heels and what I call "club hair" is silly.


I worked with a younger woman (30's) and she wore some really short skirts.  The boss finally said something to her.  Not a lick of common sense. It was a law office not a bar.

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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

CSI: Miami was one of my favorite shows. I loved the bright colors and stylized photography. I was sorry when it was cancelled.


I also liked the original CSI until William Petersen left. I never watched after that. 



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Re: CSI Miami, now I know why I never watched it.

@Deb665 wrote:

@CrazyKittyLvr2  The way professional women are dressed on tv and in the movies does a real disservice to young women in the work force.  As a manager in a bank I had to have countless discussions with young women about what they were wearing.  They see successful women on tv dressed like hookers and think that’s an appropriate way to dress.  I finally just started telling them I didn’t want to see any body part that started with a “B” - boobs, butts or bellys.  

@Deb665.  LOL, about how the women on these shows dress,etc. once on CSI Miami they had a fire or bomb scare or something and the camera was filming employees running out of the building. None of the women were over 30, all were slim and dressed to the nines with high heels. EVERY one of them! How silly.