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Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

This show desperately needs some new people & storylines. It is to the point where they have all been married to each other, multiple times even so they are directly or indirectly related to each other. Hope butting into Liam's marriage is getting old, Eric & Quinn have nothing to do anymore, Nick does nothing but mope around & go from place to place & gossip. Sharon is pathetic. Whatever happened to the curly headed dude that was to write a book about Big Vic? Why are all these fancy offices not carpeted & all you hear is womens shoes clomping all the time, and why are they always so dark? I had to vent...sorry!


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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

@Novemberbaby  All I will say is that I "feel your pain" regarding B&B.  With Y&R, I am hanging on in there.  Scott was written off the show.  I forgot that he was supposed to write a book about Victor.  I don't like the fact that the writers turned Victoria into a mean ole witch.  Victor always seem to figure things out with the exception of Abby's criminal boyfriend and the fact that Victoria set up Ashley.  

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

[ Edited ]


The Bold and The Beautiful has been on the air for 30-plus years. The Young and The Restless more than 40 years. Over the years, the storylines have been repeated over and over and over again. I bailed out over 10 years ago, finally had enough!

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

Because I never liked Heather Tom as Victoria on Y&R, I stopped watching B&B a long time ago when she dropped in there. Also I couldn't bear another Brook and Ridge "thing".  


But now I am beginning to tire of Y&R also.  I don't like the Hillary character and the show is becoming more and more the Hillary hour.  Don't like turning Mariah into a less interesting character (to me at least). Sorry they got rid of Scott, and very tired of many of the newer folks they're bringing in. Not ready for another Victor/Ashley thing. Billy and Phyllis - yuck.  There's just nothing going on in Genoa City that appeals to my continued interest.  Really sorry, but soon I kinda think it'll be off my viewing list.  Can anyone help peak my interest?

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

We all feel  your pain.  There've been times when it's been hard to 'hang in there' but this is a long stretch of ....ugh...hanging in there.


I'm afraid they'll cancel the show!  It's so freaking boring.

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

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@Perkup  You may want to hang in a little longer for Dena.  It hurts me because a loved one had dementia, but I respectfully want to see the storyline through the end.   


Other than that, there is nothing else going on that I can suggest that you change your mind.  I too am disappointed with the route the show has headed.  

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

[ Edited ]

@Annabellethecat66, I really did not want to start, but I don't understand why they keep bringing in these reality stars to the cast.  Although they are temporary, the acting is not good.

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

GEneral  Hospital is just as bad .... in a few years all the soaps will be cancelled .... bad writers = bad storylines!!!

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

But if all the daytime dramas are cancelled, what will the networks produce to replace them?  Talk shows hosted by B-list celebrities?

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Re: Bold & Beautiful getting tiresome

@Msfitness I agree!  Did you see the woman from "The Talk" on B&B?  Cheryl is her name.  He's a real fan of the show.


You could tell she wasn't a very good actress...but it was kinda fun seeing her get her wish.


Soaps has always been about long lasting characters where the viewer invests time and knows the character.


However, in the past few years they're in and then they're out....can't keep track of them....then what I think is the worst thing......


The writers totally change the personality of the character!  I think that's a kiss of death for a soap character.