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Bob Newhart has died

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Bob Newhart has died at age 94

 One of my all-time favorite comedians and actors. He will be missed by his millions of fans. One of the great ones. RIP.

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He was one of the best! RIP

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RIP Professor Proton May his memory be a blessing 

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Loved him in a lot of roles, but I really loved him in the movie from 1997 called "In and Out " with Kevin Kline and Tom Selleck, it was so funny and Bob Newhart was hilarious in it......RIP!

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He was the living embodiment of dry humor.

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Re: BoI have beb Newhart has died

I have been a Bob Newhart fan for decades.  I have his comedy albums which are still hilarious.  I loved his TV shows and continue to watch them on Decades.  Thank you, Bob for always making me laugh, for lifting my spirits and for so many years of great comedy. You have left your mark in the entertainment world.  May you be at peace with God.

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I just read this on His show is a classic. 

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@Trailrun23 wrote:

... One of my all-time favorite comedians and actors - One of the great ones. RIP.


Indeed - He had a good, long life filled with laughter and (hopefully) lots of love. ♥

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Loved him in a lot of roles, but I really loved him in the movie from 1997 called "In and Out " with Kevin Kline and Tom Selleck, it was so funny and Bob Newhart was hilarious in it......RIP!

@CANDLEQUEEN That is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.  That kind of movie could not be made in today's social climate.  I think I will watch that again soon.  Bob Newhart was a treasure for sure.

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No wonder everyone loves Newhart!  Wry, deadpan, with that Midwestern reserve,  he was "normalcy" turned on its edge, and devastatingly funny.  Loved his timing, everything.   He and the late, great Norm Macdonald had a lot in common.  


There were some classic early stand-up routines that Bob developed, with him on the telephone, that he incorporated into his shows-- priceless.   He could do "exasperation" like none other....  


Just the best.  RIP.