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BOTH 911'S Were so good last night!!!

Season Finales next week for both! Love both of these!

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Re: BOTH 911'S Were so good last night!!!

I especially enjoyed the original 911, from this week.  What a storyline!  At first I'm thinking - who's this kid and why do I care (aside from saving a life)?  Then we see how that all unfolds and it was not predictable! It was a very exciting episode for sure.



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Re: BOTH 911'S Were so good last night!!!

Ive noticed last night on lonestar, while the storyline was good, the last incident with Jebs son at the interview building, the whole lead up was "jumping the shark". 

 Do you really think that the rotten egg smell, and people feeling faint that they wouldn't have already evacuated the building? Kind of a stretch for me.

Same with  Jebs broken leg. 4 foot slide off the horse, and the bone not only breaks violently, but enough to tear through denim??

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Re: BOTH 911'S Were so good last night!!!

.@kittyloo wrote:

Ive noticed last night on lonestar, while the storyline was good, the last incident with Jebs son at the interview building, the whole lead up was "jumping the shark". 

 Do you really think that the rotten egg smell, and people feeling faint that they wouldn't have already evacuated the building? Kind of a stretch for me.

Same with  Jebs broken leg. 4 foot slide off the horse, and the bone not only breaks violently, but enough to tear through denim??

@kittyloo , agree, especially about Jeb going back to the buildiing to talk to the guy.   Seriously.  Even when I was in high school working at a little job if I took an application my boss wanted to know who talked, the kid applying or the parent.  If it was the parent the application got tossed.  Who is going to hire somebody because daddy comes in to talk to the boss.  I think that would be a huge red flag, internship or no.

As an aside the kid's mom was driving me crazy trying to think of who she is.  Robyn Lively....just recently watched Teen Witch with DD.  lol. Also Blake Lively's sister.