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Re: Anyone going to see The Beguiled!??

[ Edited ]

And another thing.  I was distracted by  Colin F's Irish accent  (playing a yankee fighting in the Civil War) until he explained he'd come over from Ireland.   Similarly, I was distracted by Kidman's Australian accent that crept in - she's usually excellent at doing an American accent (i.e. To Die For, The Interpreter and other films) but I kept hearing some Aussie in her speech.  Which was completely out of place in this film.  As I say, distracting.  The two leads IMO should have been American, or gotten rid of their accents altogether.

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Posts: 7,056
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: Anyone going to see The Beguiled!??

I completely agree with you about the accents @Pearlee; thought my ears were playing tricks on me as Nicole's routinely slipped in.


This movie was SLOW and BORING.  Sitting home watching the snow come down, so I figured I'd just relax and watch a movie.  I'm surprised I didn't fall asleep.