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I agree the wrestlers can go, she complains about everything,the cyclist were my favorites ,but they are gone, I have never liked the dentist,he is such a control freak, thinks he knows it all,etc. She's nicer,and recently he has become more cival,but don't want them to win. The surfers are the nicest and Bethany is amazing,the movie was a good family movie.The candy girls were not much in the spot light in the beginning,but now I am noticing them,they have a good personality,so if they win I will be pleased. I think it will come down to the surfers and the dentist,my pick then would be the surfers.Tucka.

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I also don't like the wrestlers...but I've learned when there is a horrible couple - that couple will definitely be invited back to do an all-star round. So I bet we'll see them again.

I would like the surfers to win. They have been a great team. The dentists have run a very good race except for a couple dumb airplane tickets issues lately. However, they have already won a ton of prizes at the end of the race legs, do they need more? LOL

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I can't stand the dentists. Agree with Tucka that he's a control freak. Also I find them both arrogant.

I want the surfers to win so bad, but would be okay if it's the candy girls. Depending on the final challenges the candy girls could surprise.

The wrestlers, the dentists, just no. So annoying. Wonder how the wrestlers came off in their casting. They are so obnoxious.

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The finale was a shocker!

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I,m happy for them. I saw the surfer movie, just could not remember the name. It was them or the dark horses that won, that I was rooting. I could not understand Surfer girl when she spoke. Shows how things can change quickly in one instant. The wrestlers were not happy they won because they were the fourth team.
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Yes, the finale was a shocker but loved the outcome!!

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I was pleased with the outcome. I would have preferred the surfers, but I'm still happy with the winners.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
Valued Contributor
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Registered: ‎06-05-2010
I'm happy with the outcome too. What a terrific finale.
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Registered: ‎03-12-2010

Ditto gardenman.