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All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

Almost sweeps month!!!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

Have no desire to see Bonnie in her 'Dynasty' wedding dress.  Wonder why Maggie barged in on the nuptials.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017


Almost sweeps month!!!


It starts on Thursday.    We're going into it with disappointing, poor ratings, no better than the prior head writer's.  And now they're taping May sweeps, the most important ratings period of the year, and those shows and those ratings better be great, great, great.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

I know i'm going to have some fun this week watching Bonnie get bested. 


According to the Comcast show descriptions for this week on Thursday "Eli confides in Gabi about a regretful decision from his past" and hopefully, probably, maybe this involves what went on with him and Sheila?

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@Judaline, what I told you, I think based on what I read in the descriptions that Friday is the the first time we'll see



Possibly at the end, as a cliffhanger?

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@LoriLori   I think the shows by the new writer are much better than they've been in ages.  I'm enjoying them for the most part. 


I loved the exchange between Victor, Brady, Bonnie & Sheila Friday.  Brady's expressions were great.  I don't want Bonnie to go.  I want them to keep her.  Maybe JE will put a little more Bonnie into her Adrienne persona going forward, and not be such a drip.  

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@Jackson08 wrote:

@LoriLori   I think the shows by the new writer are much better than they've been in ages.  I'm enjoying them for the most part. 


I loved the exchange between Victor, Brady, Bonnie & Sheila Friday.  Brady's expressions were great.  I don't want Bonnie to go.  I want them to keep her.  Maybe JE will put a little more Bonnie into her Adrienne persona going forward, and not be such a drip.  

@Jackson08 - I am also enjoying the show more since the new writer's stuff is airing.


The scene when Brady walked in on Bonnie and Vic getting married made me laugh out loud!  It was so funny when Brady said he hadn't been drinking that day and didn't know what he was seeing!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@twinsister  I know, me too.  It was hysterical.   And then when Sheila asked if anyone  had any objections...  Brady said something like, "I feel like I should be saying something here" and Victor cut him off.   I loved it.  

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@Jackson08@twinsister, I love this story.  I'm going to miss it and I too am super looking forward to how things unfold unravel this week!  Brady doesn't normally get comedic lines and I agree, Lulu, he delivered it very well. 


Maybe the new head writer sees something in the actors that can result in him loosening up both Brady and Adrienne, both of whom can use a dose of fun.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 10/23/2017

@LoriLori  That would be great.  I would love to see more comedy from both of them.Woman Happy