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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

@twinsister   OMG   That's so scary.  Glad everything was okay.  Wowwww.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

@Shelbelle   Okay.  Can someone pleeeez answer this question for me:


The other day when Ciara was upset and called someone from her phone, I was either falling into my nap or just awakening from it so my memory is super fuzzy.  Did Ciara say, "hi Shawn?"  Isn't Shawn her dad?  Wouldn't she have said, "hi Dad?"  I maaaaaay have been hallucinating, not sure, but I remember at that moment trying to remember if Shawn is her dad or what.  HELP.  Perhaps she made a blooper?????  Maaaaaybeee.  I deleted the show so I can't go back.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

@BarbiHollywood wrote:

@Shelbelle   Okay.  Can someone pleeeez answer this question for me:


The other day when Ciara was upset and called someone from her phone, I was either falling into my nap or just awakening from it so my memory is super fuzzy.  Did Ciara say, "hi Shawn?"  Isn't Shawn her dad?  Wouldn't she have said, "hi Dad?"  I maaaaaay have been hallucinating, not sure, but I remember at that moment trying to remember if Shawn is her dad or what.  HELP.  Perhaps she made a blooper?????  Maaaaaybeee.  I deleted the show so I can't go back.

Shawn in Ciara's older brother, Bo was their Dad.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

@BarbiHollywood wrote:

@Judaline    There IS one more thing we forgot to pick apart!   Gabi's pants!!   Those things were skintight.  (I think I'm just showing my jealousy here, actually.)  For someone who "stowed away," as she said when she made her first appearance in Greece, I'm glad she remembered to bring along those high heeled sandals.  And the sheer top and cami.  And choker necklace.  And coordinated crossbody bag.  Notice the use of only a few Greek words the other day?  Easy Greek words that many people already know how to pronouce like "spanakopita" and "plaka."  I was hoping someone would have to say "gyro" and see if the said it correctly.


I was wondering if choker necklaces have made a comeback. She gives new meaning to the choker necklace. And man, it was an ugly one.


Soooooo is the plane gonna crash today???  Why couldn't Chad have sent that dumb amulet via FedEx??  Is SONNY flying the plane??  I couldn't hear if that's what Paul said yesterday. 


I thought the same thing-mail the darn thing. I couldn't believe that Sonny was flying the plane, either. They're all doomed!!


Conehead and Tripp are plotting something and I don't like it.  Could Joey have been more wimpy than he was yesterday??  Don't think so.


I didn't know Joey was a yes man, but it turns out he certainly is.  I think if Trip had told him to jump off a bridge he would have said, 'well, ok. I guess I should.'


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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

@Shelbelle wrote:


Petition to sign to stop DAYS from taping 6 months ahead.


@Shelbelle, LOL!  Not even five thousand people signed it which is good because anyone who signs it is delusional.  This is the deal that was made to keep the show on the air, this schedule realizing cost savings by keeping the studio dark half the time and filming ten or more shows in the other two weeks.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

I was all like, 'hahahahaha, cheapskates used Sonny's voice as the pilot's' -- and then when I found out he's flying the plane i'm like wha?


So yeah, they're going to crash and be stuck on an island into summer and we're goingt to want to pull our eyes out watching. 


And I'm betting now that Gabi, with her well-rounded wardrobe, will quickly end up in her underwear.


At least Sonny can use coconut oil to grease his hair and maintain that scary mobster (not) look.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

Where is @SophiaMarie?  I hope she's okay!!!  Snake Eyes, if you're out there, give us a sign!!!   And if not, why not???

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

[ Edited ]

double post


So I'll just say boy is Abigail's dress ugly!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

OMG that tree on the island looks like it was made by Mrs. Kass's kindergarten class using paper mache.  I will not be able to take seriously any scene in front of that "tree" and we know every other scene will be in front of that tree.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 05/22

so... when she comes back from her brothers we will have someone else playing Ciara.Yay!


Good for you Ciara ..

  for telling Wyatt off !

preds 06-21-20
"Always be thankful andyou'll have more than you know."