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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

@ccassadayThat motor cycle is going to cause them great harm. I feel it coming. Isn't real life scary enough? It sure is for me , more so lately. I fall a sleep almost every airing of this show. But its like , I want something so happy to happen.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

Speaking of the motorcycle...when they both put on the helmets, they did not fasten them.  Yeah, that will help protect them...NOT.

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix
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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12


Speaking of the motorcycle...when they both put on the helmets, they did not fasten them.  Yeah, that will help protect them...NOT.

Motorcycle? Helmets? Maybe I fell asleep. I didn't see that.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12



Speaking of the motorcycle...when they both put on the helmets, they did not fasten them.  Yeah, that will help protect them...NOT.

Motorcycle? Helmets? Maybe I fell asleep. I didn't see that.

@Judaline  Good morning!  Ciara and Tripp, last minute of the show.  Not sure where they're off to, but she told him he needed to hold her around her waist.  Corday's budget probably only allowed for motorcycle engine sound effects cuz the bike sounded pretty wimpy when Ciara started it.  Are we supposed to believe that Mama Hope is okay with Ciara riding around town on the motorcycle??


On to Eric for a second.  He still has those creepy looks when he looks at Jennifer.  I'm getting to like Henry Shah more and more with Jen.  Anna and her attempts at comedy (those facial expressions and reactions) seem out of place on our silly little show, I think anyway.  Looks  like even Roman is fed up with her.


Happy day, everyone!

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

[ Edited ]

Thanks, @BarbiHollywood. Yeah, Corday probably broke the budget giving an extra va-room, va-room.


I so agree about Anna. If she were in Vaudeville they'd be yelling, 'get the hook', or so I've heard. She's terrible and really starting to annoy me. 

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12


Thanks, @BarbiHollywood. Yeah, Corday probably broke the budget giving and extra va-room, va-room.


I so agree about Anna. If she were in Vaudeville they'd be yelling, 'get the hook', or so I've heard. She's terrible and really starting to annoy me. 

@Judaline  Yea, Anna's been acting like a dummy lately.  Not slamming Leanne Hunley, just the way the character is coming across.  The other day, maybe it was yesterday, who knows with this show, the conversation with Anna, Roman and Eric, I just wanted to slap her on the back and tell her, "spit it out already" when she was trying to explain the conversation she had with Jennifer (incorrectly telling Jen that Eric's feelings were about Nicole).  I gotta tell ya, I got lost in that conversation.


Julie's a real buttinsky - making that donut/cupcake a "special thing" for just Jennifer and Eric??  Jen only made, what, like 10 donuts for Julie to peddle at the club on a Valentine's Day?  No servers are ever there.  Is Club TBD in existence anymore?  The look of TBD and the Doug/Chloe place look identical to me, are they two different places?  And no one goes to Chez Rouge???  And Maggie's been MIA.  


So many questions about our silly little show.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

The weird thing about the Julie scene is that the show put out PR pics showing Doug in a chef's hat with Julie -- and then they cut Doug.  They just can't get it together!!!


At least Stefan has that nice new office.  That's the best set in years.  It could use some more stuff but for our show it's pretty darn good.



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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

I loved the Valentine's Day episode.  I loved Rope for maybe the first time.  I don't want their wedding stopped.  I'm tired of weddings being stopped with the big soap revelations, it's over-used.


Loved Patch and Kayla and the dinner tray.


Like others I'm liking the new Ciara now. . She can act.  She even makes Tripp bearable for me.  


John doesn't die because he's tweeting out in real time that he's in negotiations now.  I don't think anyone dies except maybe that newb ISA guy.  I still am in the dark about this whole ISA story and Billie coming along only confused me more, not less.

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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12



@LoriLori  The last thing I wanted was to hurt anyone. Please accept my apology if I hurt you.  It was just that as I read the thread, your name and Judlaline seem to come up more than others as if you were the only ones posting.  Yes I see others, me included, just not as often. I saw several the day I posted that I had never seen before.  I only wanted to welcome new posters.


Again, I'm sorry.


Some people perceive things differently. I never thought what you wrote was a dig to anyone. I too have seen more names on the Days thread - the more the merrier.


@AuntG, with all due respect it wasn't aimed at you and @grandma2pkmh has already explained and apologized so can we leave it.


BTW I took another count just because and I got to 30 people and stopped so we've got lots of posters.  Some post more than others, some have been here since day one and post infrequently but they're here (hi,  @snowylady) , some mostly just heart (hi, @SleeplessinSD), some mostly lurk like @DrKelli.  Some yak a lot like me and some don't but everyone matters..


This DAYS conversation started on the HSN board.  Way before my time. Some have been together more than twenty years (right?). .  So they're so comfy with one another.   They pre-date me (including Jud, Snow, Twin, the late OT, Snowylady, people I'm leaving out, sorry).


As a newbie I felt left out for a while -- back in the days when Momak started the thread -- but then with time that feeling went away.  We've seen dozens of newbs come and make themselves at home.  You have AuntG, and Grandma is too.


I hope that's all we need to say about it.  Everyone welcome and everyone ought to post as little or as much as they want.


And @grandma2pkmh thanks again for speaking your mind and helping clear the air, IMO it's great that you did that.



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Re: All things DAYS, wk of 02/12

Club TBD is now Doug's Place, bought at auction jointly by Julie and Chloe. 

My religion is very simple. My religion is kindness ~ Dalai Lama XIV

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace ~ Jimi Hendrix