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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

So, ladies lets try and stay in touch the next 2 weeks, we can find something to discuss, I am sure of that!!!

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

@Judaline wrote:

@MamaWick wrote:

Today's episode (Thursday 02/03) will be the cliffhanger before preemption for the Olympics 😪😪😪

Would you mind telling me what the Cliffhanger was? I know about TR and Lani. ANything REALLY something to look forward to? Our show turned out to be a weather show. I live in OH but this was the Kentucky news!!!!  Missed the whole show. They were telling us about the ice outside. Really??? I could have sworn it was on all the morning shows and in the newspaper about the ice storm coming. And you know what? There's not a darn thing we can do about it. It's here. Ice. Some snow over it. But we KNEW that! Had to vent.

I would also like to know what happened.  I live in the same city.  I am so aggravated with this channel.

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

I haven't posted here in ages but still peek in every once and awhile. I sent a message to a friend who used to watch DAYS that she wouldn't believe what is going on with Craig and Nacy and poor Nancy has the most God-awful wig I've ever seen on, glad I'm not the only one thinking this, I felt kind of mean but you all are totally right, she looks like Mrs. Claus! I hope "hot Nancy" is going to show Craig she can live without him because right now she looks like his Mom. 


As for Steve I think it was as bionic eye as that sounds right, didn't Stephano have it where they were spying through the eye and Steve got in trouble for it? I think they were taking pictures of CIA documents with his eye. 


I've always loved the beginning of the month commments here about DAYS memories as I've been watching for 35-40 years, it's fun thinking of the early years. 

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

Well, today's episode was a real letdown.  It should  have had a couple of huge cliffhangers since it will be off for so long, but nooooo.

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

I'm starting to tire of how Jackee Harry delivers her lines.  She doesn't speak them, she kind of stretches words out.   And those facial contortions.  Lani's fluency is still on my nerves, but that's old news.  And, of course, there's Johnny.  He's on my last nerve.  I find I just need to FF through his scenes.  I know I sound horrible, but you know how much I love our silly little show.  I hoped for better acting.


Everyone in Salem was talking to themselves out loud today.

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

I thought that the bionic eye was a more recent storyline in which Steve was Stefano/Steveano with The Phoenix " essence " and a memory chip. Stefan O the son, was behind all that mess. Unless they recycled the bionic eye from an old storyline when I wasn't watching years ago. Was there a storyline like that long ago?

@BarbiHollywood I agree that Jackee plays every part since 227 exactly the same way, emphasizing her words and streeetching them out.
It's overkill already. I don't remember her being that much of an over actress on Another World, in the old days. I could be wrong though.
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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

The storyline isn't ridiculous, but Chloe's parents as a couple surely is! 

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

@corinne wrote:

The storyline isn't ridiculous, but Chloe's parents as a couple surely is! 

I thought that the moment I saw them way back when. I always liked her. The couple part had me scratching my head.

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

So much for the cliffhanger! In my neck of the woods it was the Olympics Pre-Show. If anyone did get to watch earlier, please relay the cliffhanger. Thnx

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Re: All Things DAYS—FEBRUARY 2022—possible spoilers

@BarbiHollywood wrote:

@Shelbelle She looks like Mrs. Beasley.  If you know, you know.  ;-)
