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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

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I watched the first episode and will be watching the second as soon as I have the time. After watching that first episode, I have one thing to say...seems like not much has changed in Hollywood when it comes to things involving women (and men)  in Hollywood.

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe



I have watched the first 2 installments and am enjoying it very much.  Is it the best show ever done on Marilyn?  I don't know but I certainly feel it is not just concentrating on one facet of her, but rather, trying to demonstrate that she was multi-facted.  She was not just this dumb blond bimbo that everyone felt she was.  She portrayed this --- yes.  She acted in many parts showing this character --- but this I feel, was exactly what it was --- a "character."  As you wrote, she was ahead of her time, and did expose a lot of things that others, especially woman at the time, were afraid to speak about.  She did take charge of a lot of things in her career.  She worked hard and studied.  She used her beauty, of course, but there was substance to her.  And if she had lived, I feel she would have gotten a chance to reveal so much more of her true self, her true character and also be appreciated for the talented woman that she really was. 

"A day without sunshine is like, you know, night." - Steve Martin
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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

Very helpful assessment, @AngelPuppy1 

Multi-faceted is the trait I think the show was trying to show us about Marilyn. She really was more than some people thought.

And as you pointed out, she worked hard and studied. 


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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

Here's how stupid I am now - I was looking through the 'to do' list on my living room Tivo and saw that there are two episodes of the Marilyn Monroe documentary scheduled for tonight.  I've been looking forward to this.


Then I noticed that it's episodes 3 and 4.  What happened to 1 and 2???


I searched through 'explore the show' and nothing for one and two.


D'oh!   I watched those two last week.   No recollection at all.  *sigh*


So, FYI in case somebody wants to continue watching this - tonight!  


Oh, on CNN.  Smiley Happy

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

I watched the first two episodes and really enjoyed them.  I usually watch or read  anything about her I can find.  What a stunningly beautiful woman. 

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

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I enjoyed watching the first two episodes so much I can hardly wait a week for episodes 3 and 4 tonight.  She controlled her career, as best as she could with her difficult upbringing.  She could have given in to Harry Cohn's sexual demands (Columbia Pictures) to get ahead but she had a good brain, and she didn't.

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

@Sooner wrote:

@nana59 wrote:

no thanks....

@nana59 I agree.  More revisionist history.  Yes there is lots of abuse.  And yes, a lot of women have used men to climb the ladder at work or in life.  If so, that's not abuse. 


My point here is that not all situations are abusive to women and some differentiation needs to be made.  When you make all women victims, you miss the point that some were as powerful at that game or more so than men.  Own up to it. 


"Revisionist" history?  It may be that the makers of this film are trying to show the complete person that she was and want to tell other aspects of her story that aren't as well-known.


Lots of things we have been lead to believe about all sorts of "history" are inaccurate and incomplete.  I, for one, want to know the whole, authentic story of any subject--people, places and events.




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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

[ Edited ]

@skatting44 wrote:


 some examples are Joan Crawford who knew  what men to smooze to promote her career



But these men still held all the power.  Women wouldn't have to "smooze" if they could advance in their careers the way men advance in their careers.  Men don't need to "smooze" powerful men to climb up the ladder.  And the vast majority of those in power are still men.


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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

@DottieBlue wrote:

@skatting44 wrote:


 some examples are Joan Crawford who knew  what men to smooze to promote her career



But these men still held all the power.  Women wouldn't have to "smooze" if they could advance in their careers the way men advance in their careers.  Men don't need to "smooze" powerful men to climb up the ladder.  And the vast majority of those in power are still men.


@DottieBlue    yes men do "shmooze". and women do as well. its called networking and office politics .  you have to play the game to get ahead

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

She would've been better off if she'd never met the Strasbergs...