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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

@Sooner wrote:

@nana59 wrote:

no thanks....

@nana59 I agree.  More revisionist history.  Yes there is lots of abuse.  And yes, a lot of women have used men to climb the ladder at work or in life.  If so, that's not abuse. 


My point here is that not all situations are abusive to women and some differentiation needs to be made.  When you make all women victims, you miss the point that some were as powerful at that game or more so than men.  Own up to it. 


No one has to watch any show they don't want to  also, no one can comment effectively on a show they haven't seen.  I can't comment on the show, I haven't seen it, no one has.  It's quite interesting you're able to do that. Woman Wink  

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe


 some examples are Joan Crawford who knew  what men to smooze to promote her career

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

Thanks for your post about this. I want to try to watch this.  For some reason, I am just still, after all these years, fascinated by this woman.  Very intriguing.  I remember also seeing picures of the bungalow she owned at the time of her death and I just loved it.  It was not large or fancy, and I could see why she felt comfortable there.  

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe


Me tooSmiley Happy I feel the same.

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

[ Edited ]

As much as I love everything about Marilyn, I found this one a little choppy so it wasn't as interesting as I was expecting.I caught the last 1 1/2 of it-almost forgot to watch!


Maybe it was how fast the camera would move over shots and the constant commentary by so many different people and their names were shown so fast I didn't always know who was speaking.


Years ago I watched a really good documentary about Marilyn which I thought was more effective. I forget the name but I'lll try to find it.

Maybe it was Norma Jean?


I am still going to try to remember to watch next Sunday too.

I watched it on Youtube streaming which always has CNN and other news channels.


The Legend Of Marilyn Monroe is good and with interviews and footage of the real Marilyn not actresses portraying her.

"If you walk the footsteps of a stranger, you'll learn things you never knew. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains? can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

wasn't interested , don't care for CNN documentaries, their producers condense the content to sound bytes,  then there's the constant stream of wanna-be stars talking head commentary. and if it has that creepy newsdude Chris Connaly from ABC news instant channel changer he makes me wanna b@rf. 

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

I watched the first two episodes this morning and enjoyed it.


I have two pictures of Marilyn in my bedroom.  One is a HUGE picture in sepiatone, showing her with a bottle of Chanel #5.  The other is this lovely picture, in black and white, of her in a bikini that I really love and always wished I could find a larger version of this one.  Here it is - (I just took a quick shot, so sorry for the interference)



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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

Whether the actual CNN show is well crafted or not doesn't take away from the fact that Marilyn was a woman ahead of her time.

Look for the article she wrote called "Wolves I Have Known," published in Motion Picture and Television magazine in January 1953. She was the first ever to voice the system aloud.

Frankly, it's hard to find. I've seen only images of a couple of the pages, but  so far the whole essay doesn't seem to be on the internet. If someone finds it, please share.


She understood the system but that doesn't mean it should ever have been OK for someone (typically a man of power) to threaten to cancel or not provide a job benefit, such as a contract, to someone else (typically a young, attractive woman without much power).

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

[ Edited ]

@GingerPeach  Thank you for letting us know about the article she wrote.  I'm not certain, is this the one you're speaking of?


Eta- If it's the one,  I hope the mods allow it to stay here.

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Re: A New Original Series- Reframed, Marilyn Monroe

That's it, @decaf 

Now I can read it without eyestrain!

Great finding skill!

[was Homegirl] Love to be home . . . thus the screen name. Joined 2003.