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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

Some time between now and next Sunday, Q needs to tsv adult bladder products because I think we are going to need them when they show the segment of the service.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

Ohhh, I forgot about Angela and Michael.  Could he have looked ANY more uncomfortable with her?  And the scene from next week with the dressmaker?  She got pretty offended by that.  I seriously do not know what that woman is thinking.  Yes, I know she is desperate.


On a related note--I was facebook messaged by a young man in Nigeria who told me how beautiful I was.   Yes, that may be, but i"m also old enough to be your mother, so no thanks.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@shaggygirl wrote:

The guy left waiting in the restaurant whose name escapes me at the moment. First thing that I thought when she finally arrived was "holy cow I think that's a man". Had recorded it while watching and replayed their scene earlier this morning. Haven't changed my mind about that........yet. The rest of the bunch.....oh Dear Lord, don't even have words.

S haggy girl you might be right I knew something was off about her and I could not put my finger on it.  Very strange.  She was not happy to see him at all.  It was like she was squeezing him into her schedule.  Poor guy he keeps making excuses and it looks like she stands him up again next week. The woman in Nigeria is so over the top and this guy is probably embarrassed by her.

Hazel seems to have some sense, yes she wants to get to america but she is not willing to do anything to get here.  She seems very smart.  She has a plan.  I thought it was funny that she thinks he is chubby lol.  I think he believes he looks great.  I am wondering about the ex as well.

The guy in England seems sweet and thoughtful, however he lives with his mom and I give him kuddos for admitting that he may not be able to handle a baby.


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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

Ricky is the young man who waited in the restaurant for Melissa.... he has little self esteem, IMO.... and he thinks she likes him?  LOL   He sure doesnt read people very well.... I think she was uncomfortable... this whole situation made me very uncomfortable....


Rachel from NM took baby Lucy to the UK to meet Jon.... I just read online that they are still together.  This is very awkward.... but his mom was saying he never had any relationship that lasted (at least that is what I heard).


Paul and Karine are together and had a difficult conversation with her parents.... I think his mom may be a bigger obstacle.  I got the idea he is a "mommy's boy" and he lives with his mom.


Tarik went to the Phillipines to meet Hazel; next time we will see him go to a church that "speaks in tongues" which I gather is very foreign to him.


Angela and Michael... even tho he wants to come to the US very badly... will he be able to deal with this loud old woman?  



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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@DrKelli wrote:

Ohhh, I forgot about Angela and Michael.  Could he have looked ANY more uncomfortable with her?  And the scene from next week with the dressmaker?  She got pretty offended by that.  I seriously do not know what that woman is thinking.  Yes, I know she is desperate.


On a related note--I was facebook messaged by a young man in Nigeria who told me how beautiful I was.   Yes, that may be, but i"m also old enough to be your mother, so no thanks.

@DrKelli  Right. Just because someone messages you on Facebook doesn't mean you need to hook up with them! Her actions speak for themselves. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

All of these people on this show are LOSERS this time.... they are either paid actors and play their part of idiots very good... or they are really  just PLAIN IDIOTS.



   Makes for  good drama and bad reality TV though.....   Hope they save what money they are paid for this show as  the bunch of them  are such low lifes I can not imagine any of them being able to keep a real job.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@SeaMaiden wrote:

All of these people on this show are LOSERS this time.... they are either paid actors and play their part of idiots very good... or they are really  just PLAIN IDIOTS.



   Makes for  good drama and bad reality TV though.....   Hope they save what money they are paid for this show as  the bunch of them  are such low lifes I can not imagine any of them being able to keep a real job.

Talking about "keeping a real job". Made me think of Nicole (Azan's ATM). Now that she is back in the US did she go back to working at Starbucks?

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

What a show.  Hahaha  I would be absolutely mortified if someone referred to me as masculine and loud and told me that I looked fatter and older than my pictures.  What an odd, odd couple Angela and the Nigerian make. Woman LOL



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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

I just watched the Maury Povitch Show episodes when Angela was on the show. She seems to like to carry on and be the center of attention. But it seemed to be all staged. They (daughter Scottie, daughter's boyfriend Terry and Angela) were yelling, Scottie and Angela were yelling. I don't think Terry could get a word in. But at the end of the show they were all hugging. 


Then they were on another TV show (I forgot the name) arguing about the same thing. Who was the father of Scottie's baby. 


THEN they went on Maury Povitch AGAIN to argue about who was the father of Scotties second baby.


I also read a clip about Patrick (Miriam - Paris) and he has been on 6 reality tv shows.


I hope they are enjoying themselves.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@Citrine1 wrote:

What a show.  Hahaha  I would be absolutely mortified if someone referred to me as masculine and loud and told me that I looked fatter and older than my pictures.  What an odd, odd couple Angela and the Nigerian make. Woman LOL



I had to laugh when Angela said to Michael as they were in his village going to see his mother, "Michael, everyone is looking at me strange"!  Well, of course, you're an oversized blonde white woman, LOL, you probably look like a creature of sorts to them!  Michael has more sense than she does!


As for Ricky in Columbia, bless his heart, he is just pathetic!  I think if I were him, I'd get on the next plane out of there, and not look back!  I think Melissa is a child, he did mention she had not had braces on in pictures, and used make-up to appear older!