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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@tsavorite wrote:
Oh boy what a hot mess these folks are lol...didn't see it all but wow it is messed up! The Nigerian odd couple...he told her to fix her face...make it not look so old Lol! Good grief...its like watching a train wreck...he kept saying she's very masculine and loud.

What in the world is wrong with Darcy...she seems unhinged around that nasty Sweden guy....awful...hes so full of himself and she acts like she's 12.

That other couple...she has baby named Lucy that looks crazy doing that...hard time following it all...and next week has people screaming sweating crying in some religious services omgoodness

I will be watching.  New shows are on where I live in about 15 minutes.  Is Karine pregnant?  I wonder how long the guy waits in the restaurant.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

[ Edited ]

@sunshine 919  Karine isn't pregnant. The guy in the restaurant doesn't wait that much longer before he gets texted and the person shows up.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

I can't stand Jesse with his it is an illusion that I will become a stepfather ******. I just don't think that their relationship is meant to be. Her kids are closer in age to him than she is. There is something wrong with both Darcey and Jesse.


Angela went nuts on Michael. I thought she should tone it down. I read that she was on the Maury Povich show once. It was regarding a man's paternity claim about one of her daughter's children lol. Also, that she's has been in jail for failing to yield to an emergency vehicle and driving with a suspended license. Very few people on this show have not been arrested. Right?!


I wonder how the relationship is going to work out for the guy in the Phillipines? If her family is that religious I'm surprised they'd even go for them meeting and staying in a condo together. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@colliemom4 wrote:

@sunshine 919  Karine isn't pregnant. The guy in the restaurant doesn't wait that much longer before he gets texted and the person shows up.

Thanks, I am catching up now.  Darcey is acting like a kid and Jesse is so arrogant.




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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

Yes I happened to see that Maury pouvich show with Angela on it. I was channel surfing when I came across the show and thought I recognized Angela. Her daughter's  boyfriend and another ex-boyfriend were fighting over the custody of her baby. The current boyfriend is the baby's father. What a bunch of losers they all are. 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

I was also thinking that Jesse is closer in age to Darcy's two young daughters.  He's much too full of himself and so arrogant!


The woman who took her baby to the UK to meet her "boyfriend" is nuts to do so.  That baby is so sweet!  She reminds me of my daughter at the same age.  I can't imagine traveling to the unknown with a baby.


I can't stand the Paul & Karina story!  He comes off as such a loser.


New couple ...the guy from Va beach (don't remember his name but hers is Hazel) I can't see this working out.  She's very quiet.  He thinks she's gorgeous and she thinks he's "chubby" LOL!


The guy left sitting in the restaurant for so long...I think she's scamming him.  I bet she's doing this to other American men....getting some to send her money by showing her "hot" photos and some sad stories.


I can't believe how gullible most of these people are!

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

OMG--last night's episode was such a trainwreck!  I don't even know where to start.  Yes, I do. Melissa in Columbia--so so rude to keep that guy waiting almost 3 hours and he is a complete moron for sitting there waiting for her.  There is definitely something off with her.  In previous shows, Rickey said Melissa was working as a nurse, but last night, she said she was in school.  Also--the interview where she said "it is complicated."  I wonder if she is still in high school or has another relationship.


Jon and what's her name from Albuquerque.  How awkward for her.  I thought Jon was actually kind of sweet when he had purchased all that baby stuff, but he kind of showed his true colors when the baby got fussy.


I feel bad for Tarik--Hazel just wants to get to the US--you can tell she doesn't like him at all.  And why would he have to buy another ticket when he got to Bangkok?  Everything is electronic these days.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

The guy left waiting in the restaurant whose name escapes me at the moment. First thing that I thought when she finally arrived was "holy cow I think that's a man". Had recorded it while watching and replayed their scene earlier this morning. Haven't changed my mind about that........yet. The rest of the bunch.....oh Dear Lord, don't even have words.

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@DrKelli  Yes. Melissa looks like she's about 16. It should be interesting to find out more about her. IF we ever see her again! 

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Re: 90 Day Fiance Before The 90 Days

@Vickyjo wrote:

Yes I happened to see that Maury pouvich show with Angela on it. I was channel surfing when I came across the show and thought I recognized Angela. Her daughter's  boyfriend and another ex-boyfriend were fighting over the custody of her baby. The current boyfriend is the baby's father. What a bunch of losers they all are. 

@Vickyjo  Was she on the Maury show recently? I haven't seen it in years.