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8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Yesterday saw Kaysar and Kevin get nominated. Ugh! Okay, it's pep talk time. Sure we've lost three fan favorites the first three weeks and the fourth is on the block in what looks like a steamroller season. Sure, there are very few people left to truly root for. Sure the big alliance looks queued up to just roll through to the end. But, all is not lost! It's time to shake off the doom and gloom and look for the light at the end of the tunnel. (That's odd. Does anyone else hear a train whistle and does that light seem to be moving towards us really, really fast? Argh!!! Whew! That was a close one.)


No, all is not lost. Kaysar could win the POV today, gather allies, and flip the house. It's not impossible. It's close to impossible, but it's not impossible. And even if Kaysar fails there's still...hmm...there's got to be someone left to root for. ******! Are we down to rooting for Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, or Ian? Well, there's David, but barring a brain transplant he's largely useless. Memphis is not overly helpful. Kevin is hopeless. Tyler? He's gone to the dark side. Could he come back? Christmas? 


No! Don't get negative. It'll turn around. The DR will work their magic and we'll get some enjoyment out of this season yet. If nothing else watching those who think they're safe get picked off one by one will be entertaining. Some in the big alliance of alliances more or less know what's going on. All it takes is a few of them comparing notes and realizing that Cody, Enzo, Daniele, and Nicole are rolling to the end unimpeded for them to rally against them.


At some point, these veteran players have to realize that Kaysar, Kevin, Da'Vonne, Bayleigh, Ian, David, Memphis, Christmas, and Tyler are all just surplus baggage on the Cody, Enzo, Daniele, Nicole express train and rally together to derail the train. It's got to happen sooner or later. Maybe today will be the start of that derailing. Let Kaysar win the POV and save himself. Enzo will then likely put up Ian and target him. Nicole losing her parachute ally in Ian will leave her feeling exposed and maybe she'll be the one to rally the other side to save Ian. All is not lost! Not yet anyway.


We've got the picking of the POV players today and that will be followed by the POV comp itself. A Kaysar win of POV would be a good start to flipping things. We just need one person who has a clue about what's happening in the house to win HOH and have the courage to put up two of the ringleaders. My preferred nominations would be Cody and Daniele but I'm not sure anyone there has that much courage. Watching those two squirming on the block would be fun.


I'll post back later today with the picks for the POV comp then the POV winner. (Go Kaysar!)  The good news is Kevin is very unlikely to win the POV. He's not especially good at physical comps, endurance comps, or mental comps. Unless it's an absolute crapshoot comp, he's unlikely to win. We just need a few things to go our way and this season can turn around in a hurry. I'm pretty sure production isn't thrilled with how the season is going so far, so they'll be working to help us out. All is not lost. Not yet anyway.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

Still no picking of the POV players, but we've learned that David was trying to be on Love Island this summer, Nicole's voice only sounds whiny on TV (according to her) and the reason for her 'interesting' hairstyle on Thursday was because that evil and wretched Janelle had used the curling iron Nicole wanted to use.


Let's take these new revelations one at a time. First, David wanting to be on Love Island. I'm pretty sure the women on Love Island are very happy BB snatched him up first.  To say he's dull and a bit dense is an understatement.


Nicole's belief that she only sounds whiny on TV is interesting. While I've never met her in person, I find it odd that of all the people on TV the only one that only sounds whiny on TV is Nicole.


Nicole blaming her hair on Janelle largely ignores all of the hair styling equipment BB provides. The houseguests know all day Thursday there's a live show, so just get ready early.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The POV players have been picked and in addition to Enzo, Kaysar, and Kevin, the drawn players are Tyler, David, and Bayleigh. (I think.)

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

I might be the only one but I like Enzo.  At least he has a personality and I find him quite funny.  I was reading some remarks by Janelle today and she said if Kaysar can't win (and most likely won't) she wants Enzo to win.  Wow, she really hates Nicole and who could blame her.

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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

The POV comp started around 10 PM ET so it'll be a late one tonight.

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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

[ Edited ]

@gardenman ...  I'm sure Nicole thought she was "cute" with that hairstyle ...  it's all about her "innocence and cuteness" with big bows and polka dots and messy hairdos ... today Enzo, Cody and Tyler were in the HOH room and she (Nicole) walks in like she owned the place.  Enzo apparently doesn't like a lot of strategy discussion or "planting seeds" that the girls have tried to do, but he says it's HIS HOH and he doesn't need any discussion with anyone.  YOU win and YOU evict who you want was his reasoning, and a comment was made they don't want discussions or planting seeds.  A few minutes later CHRISTMAS arrives on the scene and Nicole answers the door to the HOH room like she's part of the boys' group, but Christmas barged right past her and Nicole nose was bent ...  Christmas had the nerve to interrupt Nicole's private time with her boys ...  I LOVED it ... she is such a little snit and worms her way around as the entitled BB one !!  Do you know her (Nicole's) mother talks to Ian's mother, among others, who play on BB ... cannot make it up ...  

I'm not surprised by David @gardenman ...  I honestly don't think he knows anything about this game and doesn't really watch it ... he was lucky enough to get a call back for this season and took it.  I think he is another one who will follow the game show circuit like Survivor or Amazing Race like Nicole until she is "discovered" by Hollywood or finds other shows to be on ... just my opinion ... 

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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I don't care for Nicole either but she has easily out played the 'Legends'. Janelle's opinion of the others isn't worth much since she's out and they're still in. 

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Re: 8/29/20 Big Brother 22 Live Feed Spoilers and Updates!!!

I don't want to see Nicole win. Walking around like a little prima donna as if we are supposed to be impressed with her cuteness. By her own admission she just sits around and does very little and her whining takes precedene over all of our other senses. What was BB thinking?  I guess Julie, her husband and the other big shots take bets as to who will win.