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@threecees wrote:

From the start, this episode with Gina was a disaster. Whole family needed

help with their weight. Gina at 28 was so jealous of her sister. Grow up

already. Then her family wanted to lay all the blame on Gina's wife for 

always bringing in takeout and supplying so much garbage. All she did

was sit around and complain.


Knew she was not going to make much or any effort in her battle. Some

you root for but I did not root for Gina. She did not want to exercise even

a little. We didn't see her out and about like some of the others trying even

a little to make a difference.


She played way too many games with Dr. Now. Rambling on nonsense

about where she lived and now that she was moving to Texas she would

begin the program and make an effort. Such garbage. I wanted Dr. Now

to say to her to stop with all the excuses. When she was trying to explain

that she was following the program yet still gained 8 or so pounds, what

a laugh. Sure he has heard her nonsense a thousand times.


This episode was a total waste of the 1.5hrs it took to watch it.

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@threecees   I couldn't agree more with your post.  Most times I find that I really feel for these people and wish them the best.  And while I certainly wish Gina the best, I didn't feel sorry for her.  She was a lazy, dirty woman.  I was so disgusted when she said she only gets washed once a month and that she smells.  Ugh  She did absolutely nothing to help herself and made no effort at all.


When the show first started I said to my husband that I didn't have a good feeling about the outcome of this one.  Yep, a complete waste of time.  



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@threecees Did I hear correctly at the beginning of the show that Gina only bathed once a month or when people told her she smelled?  Boy, that would be a pleasure to be around!!!  As I have said many times about these people on this show, not one of them ever takes the blame for their obesity.  It's always some sort of abuse, trauma, death, etc. that happened years before.  But they are always surrounded by obese or close to being obese partners and family members.  Go figure. 

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@Travone wrote:

@Suziepeach   I wasn't really paying attention during the Lola sessions....I don't like her.  She tells each patient the same thing each week. so I tune her out.  I also am not a fan of her little girl voice.....I know that petty and she can't change it.



I find Lola a bit odd.  The little girl voice, the constant changing of wigs, the way she talks to her patients (as if they are children), and her overall manner in general.  

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[ Edited ]

@bootsanne wrote:

@threecees Did I hear correctly at the beginning of the show that Gina only bathed once a month or when people told her she smelled?  Boy, that would be a pleasure to be around!!!  As I have said many times about these people on this show, not one of them ever takes the blame for their obesity.  It's always some sort of abuse, trauma, death, etc. that happened years before.  But they are always surrounded by obese or close to being obese partners and family members.  Go figure. 

@bootsanne Yes, can you imagine and if I remember I think her Mom was coaxing her to get her bath in the early part of the show, like she was a little

kid that doesn't want to wash. Unbelievable. 


Poor Dr. Now. If they ever show him walking into the room wearing a mask it is because of people like Gina. Guess they don't need to do practically any laundry

from her! Horrible. Family should toss her clothes right into trash when she is


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[ Edited ]

It appears that many of us had the same "crystal ball" in predicting the outcome of last night's show.  DH and I said the same thing.


If I were Beth, I'd be running as fast as I could to get away from her and the family.  When they were talking about what's for dinner and Gina called her and ordered HER to pick up food when Beth said she would cook, did me in.  Then she orders her to make the call.


Then mom's remark about how Beth treats her?  Wow, just wow.  This coming from the mom who allowed her husband to hit, etc. both of her children, then left hiim and both of the girls with him when she left him?  Talk about pot, kettle, black.  That mom was no support to her.  All of them were very overweight; the only live being in the house I felt sorry for was the dog.


As for Lola, the therapist, I cannot find anything good to write.  If someone sent me to her, I'd be finding another one.


I hope Beth soon sees the light and gets out of there; it seems there's nothing she can do right by Gina or the family. 


Last night's episode was nothing more than a waste of time.

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Gina frustrated me the whole time.  Dr Now from the beginning seemed to question whether she would be able to do it and he was right.  I could tell from the beginning that she wasn't going to be able to loose the weight and her family wouldn't be supporting her in weight loss.  They were all overweight.


First the not bathing thing grossed me out.  Then she yelled at Beth to pick up food from the diner for her and her mom said that Beth should be nicer to her - WHAT.  Gina was being a total B**** to Beth.  Apparently the mom did nothing to prevent any abuse earlier in her life.

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Registered: ‎07-20-2014

@bootsanne wrote:

@threecees Did I hear correctly at the beginning of the show that Gina only bathed once a month or when people told her she smelled?  Boy, that would be a pleasure to be around!!!  As I have said many times about these people on this show, not one of them ever takes the blame for their obesity.  It's always some sort of abuse, trauma, death, etc. that happened years before.  But they are always surrounded by obese or close to being obese partners and family members.  Go figure. 

I was amazed and disgusted by her bathing schedule.  And then she wonders why Beth wouldn't be intimate with her????  She couldn't figure that one out?!?

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This girl needs serious mental health help....I just could not watch the whole thing...her voice annoyed me and she kept saying "Me and Beth" it's "Beth and I"!!! just a pet peeve of mine drives me nutso!

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Posts: 555
Registered: ‎11-16-2014

I don't know why I'm hooked on this show. It's totally depressing and so gross at times. If these people are in so much pain and can't do any thing for themselves, wouldn't you think they would really give their all to lose the weight? They make so many excuses. I am thrilled for those who do lose a lot of weight!! I weighed 245 at my heaviest, and I was miserable! After losing 70 pounds, I just can't ever imagine myself gaining weight again without doing something about it right away, and I love to eat! I guess their childhood experiences really messed them up. I'm not trying to bash anyone. I guess I just can't see how you would get to the point of being trapped in your home by your own body.😢😢 I truly hope that all these people lose the weight and can live a "normal" life.