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2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

These people are crazy. Tom has wanted Ricky out pretty much since day one. Tom promised Natalie she was safe this week and he wasn't putting her up. Then he puts up Natalie and Ricky, but RIcky was still the target. Tom became very upset when Kandi tried to talk him into making Natalie the target and vowed to use the POV to save Natalie to keep her safe. Then, he uses the POV on Ricky instead and puts up Lolo. Now Natalie is likely going home and Tom wants to add Lolo to his Tom, Dina, Kandi, and maybe Tamar alliance.


Notice who's excluded from this alliance? Yes, Ricky. Tom's show-long enemy who he had on the block only to save, and who Tom now wants out again because he thinks Ricky and Kandi might have a final two alliance. (Kandi has final two alliances with Dina, Tom and Tamar, but not Ricky, Natalie and Lolo at this point.)


Tamar and Ricky meanwhile decided they'd rather have Lolo go home and Natalie stay, so Tamar reached out to Dina and Kandi to see if she could rustle a vote from one of them to keep Natalie. Yeah, that didn't go over so well. We could see a tie vote tonight with Ricky and Tamar voting for Lolo to go and Kandi and Dina voting out Natalie. Tom would then have to decide who stays and who goes. What would Tom do? God only knows. More likely than not it'll be a 4-0 vote to evict Natalie, but with this year, who knows?


Dina is waking up and actually playing the game a bit now. Kandi's playing hard. Tom is Tom. Natalie is more or less accepting that she's going home. Tamar is more and more aware that her final two with Kandi isn't working out exactly like she'd hoped. Lolo is Lolo. Ricky is still trying to be the house philosopher/healer while poking and jabbing away at people.


We have a two hour long show tonight with a double eviction. Up first will be the POV comp followed by the POV ceremony where Tom will annoy CBS by making their edit of last night's show look stupid when he takes down Ricky and puts up Lolo in his place. Then we'll get the live vote and eviction where Natalie or Lolo will be tossed aside. Then the live HOH comp will take place. Tom can't win this one, so that's a relief to everyone. At least there should be some predictability depending on who wins. Then the live POV comp and ceremony and the second eviction will take place. Figure Tom, Kandi, Lolo, or Ricky will be leaving in the second eviction. I think Dina and Tamar are pretty safe no matter what tonight. Then we may, or may not, have the next HOH comp start up.


We only have two more shows after tonight. Monday night we should see the HOH comp for the new HOH and the nominations. Then on Wednesday's two hour finale we'll see the house get down to the final four and the winner of the final HOH will pick who he/she wants to take to the final two with them. Then the jury will try to figure out who to vote for and the second (and probably last) season of Celebrity Big Brother will wrap up.


Maybe it's just me, but these three weeks of Celebrity Big Brother seem longer than a whole summer season of Big Brother. It wasn't the best cast. There weren't many people to really root for. Most of the cast had no clue what they were doing. The feeds were shut down whenever anything interesting was happening. We had a lot of volatile personalities, and some appallingly bad gameplay. Even though it was an older, more mature cast, they didn't behave that way. With the back yard shut down, most of the house just laid in their beds most of the time or played cards.


You really need someone to root for in a game like Big Brother and right now, there's no one there I'd like to see win. I've largely grown to dislike the whole group equally, or nearly so. I don't really care who wins. There's no America's Favorite Player for me. It's one of the rare seasons where I just don't care about the outcome. The more you see these people, the less you like any of them. If I had to vote for an AFP it might be Ryan, but he was a bit of a dolt, he's just not as annoying as the rest. You look back at the full cast and ask would it have been better if any of these people had stayed? Sadly, probably not. CBS largely swung and missed with this cast, at least for me. Others may disagree.


The good news is the season is racing to the finish and June isn't that far away now when we'll get a summer cast of new people to love or hate. I'll be looking forward to that. This celebrity cast though, nah. I'll be glad to see them go. Bring back BBOTT instead with real people playing the game and knowing what they're doing and I'd be a big fan. I've had enough of the celebrities and the protection and pampering CBS gives them. Watching live feeds of someone lying on a bed isn't all that captivating. We're down to the final five days though now, so the game is rapidly winding down and will soon be gone. I'm pretty sure no one will be looking back at this wistfully sometime in the future and saying, "Remember how good season 2 of Celebrity Big Brother was?"

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

I haven't liked this season at all.  At least with the last Celebrity BB, I liked Ross and Marissa.  Tom is nuts.  I almost wonder if production has encouraged the hand grenade approach that he uses.  It makes no sense to any of us as viewers and isn't very strategic, so we can't even appreciate a good blindside.  I can't wait until Survivor starts again.

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

I agree, this cast has been really bad and whoever wins or loses makes no difference to me at all. I will say that, thanks to that unpredictable veto ceremony yesterday, we got some pretty funny feeds last night.

Some of the highlights for me were:

Lolo campaigning to Kandi to keep her in the game and Kandi assuring her she has Dina's, hers, and Tom's vote should there be a tie. Meaning: Lolo knew for a fact she isn't being evicted and yet ~


Lolo spends hours in the train room with Natalie alternating between Nat saying "I'm just going to fall on my sword for you Lolo. I'm the ultimate team player" and then "But it is a game and I don't want to just give up" etc, etc,etc. And all the time, remember, there is no choice to be made. Natalie has no chance of staying. This is all just a ruse by Lolo so Natalie won't be bitter when she leaves. 


Then there's gossip, trash talk, cursing and finally "shall we pray?"


On their knees Lolo says she doesn't know if she can accept this great gift from Natalie--she'll have to sleep on it. She's going to fast to get an answer from God.


I had no idea this was a thing. So, you fast and then what? A knock on the door "Hey! Telegram from God. Tell Natalie to take a hike." Or maybe you walk into the bathroom and written in lipstick on the mirror are the words "Lolo Jones...give Natalie the boot. This is YOUR dream not hers! And btw, good job not eating. It made all the difference." That would be a lot of wasted lipstick for a decision that's already been made, lol.


Now mind you Lolo says she would have already been fasting, that was her plan, but something derailed it. What you might ask? PIZZA DELIVERY!!! 


So now that they're all full from pizza the fast will commence. No more food, no snacks, nothing until tomorrow when the answer will have arrived. Then fast forward to around 11:30pm where Lolo is in the kitchen preparing a 3 course meal with Cod as the main course! Natalie says she'll eat too even though she feels a little sick from eating so many peanuts m&ms. 


Dinner is being prepared, and as they're sitting in the kitchen, Dina and Kandi walk by on their way to Tom's room and the trash talk begins. "Look at those two (profanity). Who do they think they are going to Tom's room? I hate those fake (more profanity)." Next comes a middle finger salute to Dina and Kandi and it's time to eat, but let's not forget..."Shall we pray?" Yes, houseguests, you wouldn't forget that. Smiley Wink


Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. Well, I guess you could, but why? It would never be this good! Smiley Very Happy



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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

You thought that was it? On no, there was more, much more.


Tamar and Ricky get together to talk about who they want to keep in the house--Lolo or Natalie. Again, keep in mind that they have no say in the decision--Lolo already has the votes to stay. Feeling this is probably a fact, they decide that isn't what's best for their game. They think Natalie is a stronger competitor and they want her there, in the house, on their side. Hmmm...what to do, what to do?


They see Dina and Kandi upstairs playing pool and approach. Tamar says "So, what are y'all thinking about the vote?" Kandi informs her they're both voting to keep Lolo so Tamar starts in with how they're making a huge mistake. Tom, she says, is the most dangerous person in the house and they have to get him out immediately. Kandi says, no, Natalie is the strongest player. Tamar says yes, that's true and they need her to take out Tom. Kandi says Tom isn't coming after her, Dina, and for that matter, he's not coming after Tamar, but now Tamar is mad.


She stomps downstairs, throws open the bedroom door, and tells Lolo and Natalie that Kandi is a (more profanity). She starts in with something that's supposed to be an impression of Kandi that sounds somewhere in between what a dolphin on meth might sound like, or a big, burly dude hocking a giant loogey, or a cat retching up a hairball. It's annoying and disgusting, not to mention Kandi has never once made such a sound, yet it goes on for what seems like a very, very, very, long time. They even ask her why she's making that sound and she says "That's the sound of Kandi's bad attitude." Huh? The bad attitude is, of course, just Kandi saying who she's voting to evict. Understandable, right? I mean, how dare she!


Now, in the telling of the story, she sort slips up and Lolo figures out that Tamar and Ricky were upstairs campaigning against her. This isn't lost on Natalie who suddenly perks up as she's realizing maybe she does still have a chance to stay. Maybe that sword isn't looking so good after all. 


But Lolo isn't happy and calls Tamar out on it saying "You were up there campaigning against me?" to which Tamar gives it her signature line of "Who me? What you think I look like?" as Lolo asks Natalie to join her as they leave the room. Whew!


Once alone with Ricky, Tamar tells him this why she wants Lolo to go. She's way too sensitive and now she can't be trusted not to team up with Kandi and Dina. I mean, Lolo did just find out her alliance was campaining against her, but whatever. Ricky assures Tamar that Lolo won't defect over this and Tamar finally stops making dolphin noises. What a night!


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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

Last, but not least...yes, I'm almost done Smiley Very Happy are the master strategists, Tom and Dina.


Tom is worried about the vote (shocker!), but then he's not worried about the vote. He doesn't care who stays and who goes, but then he does, and then he doesn't. It's enough to make your head spin yet Dina, who knows she and Kandi are voting to evict Natalie, is oblivious to his incessant rambling.


Tom tells Dina he doesn't trust Kandi because she told Tamar about his pov plan. Dina starts to worry that Kandi is lying to her (people are always lying to her, she says). They need to get Kandi upstairs to talk. She comes up and eases their concerns. Sort of.


To make a long story short (that's right, I said that Smiley Very Happy), the three of them spend hours hashing over what the vote will be, who should be in the final four (as if they have a choice) and how they have to win HoH. 


As unlikely as that sounds it's interesting to keep in mind that no one, other than Tom, has won more than one competition. Tom has won four--of course he can't play tonight. Still, Kandi or Dina winning is a long shot to say the least.


One last observation--how shady was it last night on the episode when they showed Lolo win the pov and the announcer said "Congratulations, Lolo, on winning your first gold medal." Ouch! That had to hurt. 

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

Tonight will be a fun night. If it's a tie vote, Tom's head may explode. He won't be happy with the double eviction either. I'll be updating during the live show, but my first update will likely be with the first vote between Natalie and Lolo. We pretty much know everything else that happened.

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

We have another "Breaking News" twist coming tonight that will change the game. Ugh! Julie tells the house it's a double eviction. The POV comp is next. Time for a break. 

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

After watching BBAD last night I never heard anyone say they suspected that tonight would be a double eviction. Did they really not know? It was hard to tell from their reactions just now.


Red is Julie's color - as the houseguests say when evicting someone she looks lovely tonight.

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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

Time for the POV comp from Wednesday. It was the Color Blast comp. (Funny, no one looked overly painted after the comp. That's typically a very messy comp.) Ricky just got plastered though. Maybe they rinsed them off before entering? As we know Tom won POV. (I wonder if they did this comp somewhere else as they talked of riding in golf carts and this would have been messy in the backyard.) Time for another break.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!
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Re: 2/08/2019 Celebrity Big Brother 2 Live Feed Spilers and Updates!!!

@sabra wrote:

After watching BBAD last night I never heard anyone say they suspected that tonight would be a double eviction. Did they really not know? It was hard to tell from their reactions just now.


Red is Julie's color - as the houseguests say when evicting someone she looks lovely tonight.

These aren't the most clever houseguests and they know little of the game, so it was probably a surprise.

Fly!!! Eagles!!! Fly!!!