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I am so tired of seeing many of the young hosts wearing leggings every day.  I know a lot of people wear them, and I wear them at time, but how about some nice pants or skirts on these younger women.  To me, they sell these things as work clothes, and unless the people work at a very liberal place, leggings are not substitutes for work clothes (unless you want to stay in the same position forever.)

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Re: hosts apparel

[ Edited ]

@maggi the cat wrote:

I am so tired of seeing many of the young hosts wearing leggings every day.  I know a lot of people wear them, and I wear them at time, but how about some nice pants or skirts on these younger women.  To me, they sell these things as work clothes, and unless the people work at a very liberal place, leggings are not substitutes for work clothes (unless you want to stay in the same position forever.)

Leggings are worn by many women in my office and some of the women who wear them are in management. Fashions change, offices change. They're acceptable in more places than not these days. It's all about what you wear them with and how you style them.

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I may not look so good in them..(unless worn with a long tunic) but I see nothing wrong with leggings for those lucky enough to wear them well. I dont notice too much what the hosts wear but if it was offensive, I would have I guess they are doing something right. We have to remember our "opinions" are singular ones and oftentimes do not represent the masses. I do not expect QVC, or anyone to change based on my own preferences. Times change and we can either be stuck in the mud...or go with the flow of those changes. Time moves forward with....or without us.

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I don't care what they wear.  I don't want people telling me what to wear and what is appropriate.  I may not like the choice of their clothing, but that's my problem (but not really).

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I don't consider leggings to be appropriate attire for many professional places.  Leggings IMO are casual.  I work in a law firm and we'd never be able to get away with leggings.  I don't ever see leggings on anyone when I have to go to other offices nor does anyone who work for the judges or the county/city offices wear leggings.  I don't think I've ever been in any more professional setting and saw employees wearing leggings.


But, QVC isn't a professional office setting.  They long ago went casual.  Some of the hosts dress much more casually than others.  I guess I don't watch  a lot because I rarely tune in and see a host in leggings unless they are hosting a clothing show and the leggings are part of the show.    



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What the hosts wear (or buy) doesn't affect what I buy.  I suspect that's what is important.



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Well, I'm not a host and I'm not young but I wear skinny pants and leggings (not super tight) a lot.  It depends on how you style them.  I am tall and curvy but I wear longer tops that appropriately cover my tummy and rear end.  I know what looks good on me and what doesn't.  I never thought I would wear leggings again but I am a slave to fashion.  I think they are here to stay.

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I agree,the leggings,oversized tops and knee boots are like a uniform on the hosts.  Boring,boring,boring.  I saw Jane T hosting a show in regular (not skinny) jeans and a shirt,she looked great. Mix it up a little.

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