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MODS, why do you allow so many to bully a person ?

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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@goldensrbest   ?????????????      Did you report something as being inappropriate?  We have this reporting capability since they can't be everywhere all the time.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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I have to agree. I saw poster after poster pile on, most of them with detailed grudges held for literally years about the person in question. What puzzled me was why, seeing who'd started the thread and given the contempt in which they appear to hold her, they'd even bother reading anything she wrote. Ironically, they didn't discredit her so much as themselves in exhibiting the depth of their pettiness with itemized laundry lists of her past transgressions.


I don't know her history, but what they described is someone who's troubled and could use sympathy and understanding for the underlying trouble, whether it existed prior to her medical issues or not. You don't feel sympathetic? Walk on by! I avoid posts by the resident narcissists for that very reason. Just don't open the thread when I see the author is X, Y, or Z.


But I can't see how she's hurting anyone here and why she's been made such a target. As an outlier myself, I am defensive when it comes to underdogs anyway, but the behavior in that thread was shameful and indecent. 

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I really haven't noticed much bullying, but maybe I am not paying attention.  I do know that I try to always be respectful when I post, but there was one poster who wrote something totally inappropriate about one of mine.  I just ignored it because I believe that bullies either are very unhappy and have to take that unhappiness out on someone else, or they are just miserable people.  Either way, I pay them no mind.  Responding gives them power.

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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The Mods need to know where they are.    

Report the post, they will take care of it.



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I just read that thread, think some were just pointing out facts or things said in the past. It isn't bullying if the poster iin question has complained of money problems by not having food money, yet buys Perricone and mentions other products sold, then it is brought up to her. It's throwing it back, but I wouldn't say bullying. I had coworkers that bullied me at a job once, there's a difference.

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@IMissSuperPoke wrote:

I just read that thread, think some were just pointing out facts or things said in the past. It isn't bullying if the poster iin question has complained of money problems by not having food money, yet buys Perricone and mentions other products sold, then it is brought up to her. It's throwing it back, but I wouldn't say bullying. I had coworkers that bullied me at a job once, there's a difference.

The poster in question has a traumatic brain injury. Do you have one? If not, please don't compare yourself to her.

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Registered: ‎06-14-2015

This post has been removed by QVC because inappropriate.

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@proudlyfromNJ wrote:

@IMissSuperPoke wrote:

I just read that thread, think some were just pointing out facts or things said in the past. It isn't bullying if the poster iin question has complained of money problems by not having food money, yet buys Perricone and mentions other products sold, then it is brought up to her. It's throwing it back, but I wouldn't say bullying. I had coworkers that bullied me at a job once, there's a difference.

The poster in question has a traumatic brain injury. Do you have one? If not, please don't compare yourself to her.



The poster in question claims to have had a TBI. None of us on these forums will ever know what whether what anyone says about themselves is true, or not. Each of us has an opinion about most things posted here. I base my opinions on things I have read on the forums with my own eyes, over a long period of time. I have no idea what some posters base their unquestioned belief of others on. I have never been a person to believe everything I see, read or hear, nor to assume everyone is always truthful. I question, reason and come to conclusions. But very clearly, many posters on the forums don't even consider that all might not be what it seems with any poster or situation, ever. 

Life without Mexican food is no life at all
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@noodleann wrote:

I have to agree. I saw poster after poster pile on, most of them with detailed grudges held for literally years about the person in question. What puzzled me was why, seeing who'd started the thread and given the contempt in which they appear to hold her, they'd even bother reading anything she wrote. Ironically, they didn't discredit her so much as themselves in exhibiting the depth of their pettiness with itemized laundry lists of her past transgressions.


I don't know her history, but what they described is someone who's troubled and could use sympathy and understanding for the underlying trouble, whether it existed prior to her medical issues or not. You don't feel sympathetic? Walk on by! I avoid posts by the resident narcissists for that very reason. Just don't open the thread when I see the author is X, Y, or Z.


But I can't see how she's hurting anyone here and why she's been made such a target. As an outlier myself, I am defensive when it comes to underdogs anyway, but the behavior in that thread was shameful and indecent. 


I totally agree.   The comments in that thread said much more about certain "responders" than about the OP.    ("Resident Narcissists"... haha.   Excellent.)