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Posts: 112
Registered: ‎09-01-2022

People do this because of low inventory that QVC brings in and especiallly Belle, things sell out with presentations so if you might be interensted in something but the only wqy you have a chance at agetting anything is by putting in your cart right away and then think about it.   I personally try to clear my cart of anything I am not going to buy as soon as I see a presentation and make my mind up.  I wish it wasn't that way,but that is what QVC has created.  And bye  the way the are losing money because they don't bring in enough inventory on popular items because people just give up because of the games we have to play in order to purchase and item with designesr like graver, belle,  valerie etc.  it is bad business

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Posts: 3,958
Registered: ‎11-20-2010

@annie57   I tried to order 3 items from Belle last night and when I put them in my cart, the "hmm you just missed it - sold out" came up and I was unable to put in my cart and purchase.    And they are still sold out today.


I'd say you cut off your nose to spite your face since you didn't buy the top you wanted that was available today.  I sure wish the items I wanted to buy were available today. 


It definately was NOT a trick by QVC to say the item was sold out but most likely those who put items in the cart to just hold them until they decide or those who try to buy with credit cards that are overloaded and not available to make a purchas that cause those who are trying to purchase unable to put it in our cart as those type of practices make it look sold out.  That seems more like trickery to me.