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As I was watching Belle last night the host and Kim were carrying on about everything selling out. There was a top that I was interested in and said it was sold out so I didn't bother trying to purchase it. This banter went on and on.

This morning for the heck of it I went online and it's available and other colors are also. Checked other items that were in the show and they also have inventory on them. Yes, some sizes on some of the items were sold out, but it definitely wasn't a sold out show. 
I didn't order the top because I think this is bad business.  Just be honest!







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Understand that the item may show sold out while the show is on, but a day later lots of things in peoples carts might have been deleted or left in their cart, therefore they are put back into inventory.  Also, included would be cancellations.  At the show time they are being honest.  Why would they say something is sold out when it is not?  They want to sell not have it in inventory.

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Sometimes, inventory will say sold out taking into account the number of people waiting on the phone to place an order.


I always order online....never order by phone.  You jump ahead of the line that way.

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@Imaoldhippie wrote:

Understand that the item may show sold out while the show is on, but a day later lots of things in peoples carts might have been deleted or left in their cart, therefore they are put back into inventory.  Also, included would be cancellations.  At the show time they are being honest.  Why would they say something is sold out when it is not?  They want to sell not have it in inventory.



Exactly @Imaoldhippie 


Why would they 'want' to lose a sale????


No more than they want to 'oversell' and then have to BO some people's orders.....


has nothing to do w/ honesty ...they are saying it is sold out because the 'system' is telling them so.


@annie57   I think this topic comes up a lot where availabilty is being questioned.

It is always the same can check previous threads on this topic.

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@annie57.  It always baffles me that people are amazed that something sold out last night is now available and they can't figure out why.


You know they're selling thousands of shirts.  You know people put things in their "carts" then change their minds and don't go through with the transaction, tying up the product so others can't buy it.  Logic should also tell you that there will be many credit cards declined in overnight processing, leaving merchandise available the next day.


QVC  is there to sell merchandise.  What nefarious purpose would they have for saying it's sold out when it isn’t?  Think about it.

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@annie57 There are many threads about this.  Many of us are frustrated because people put things in their carts while they are "thinking about it"  "deciding on colors or sizes" or just grabbing something in case they want it.   There are also other issues that cause a sale to be counted and then declined after the presentation is over.   Those numbers are counted while the presentation is on.  It also means that some of us who know what we want to buy don't get to purchase it because we take the time to check measurements and make informed decisions before we click on "add to cart".   Most of the time I'm pleased if I check later and something I want is  now available.


I don't understand why so many people accuse QVC of lying and dishonesty about items being sold.  

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I have watched other shows and they say that items are sold out also, but this show was over the top, meaning the host was over the top about items being sold out. 
I realize this is a marketing tool, ye, but it doesn't work with me. I remember the days when I sold sign was placed on the item and rarely do you see that anymore,


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@annie57 wrote:

I have watched other shows and they say that items are sold out also, but this show was over the top, meaning the host was over the top about items being sold out. 
I realize this is a marketing tool, ye, but it doesn't work with me. I remember the days when I sold sign was placed on the item and rarely do you see that anymore,

Assuming you read all of the previous posts, a lot of things were absolutely sold out.  


There were several items I was going back and forth on but by the time I decided, my size was sold out on 2 items.  The 3rd was sold out in the color I wanted.  They're not available today either.  


There is no reason for them to use selling out as a "marketing tool".  It would be the anti-marketing tool 


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@Tori3569  There are many items that are still available to purchase from the show last night, maybe not in your size. The item I was interested in is available tonight but was told last night it was sold out. I am just stating what has pertained to me.

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I will frequently put clothing items I like in my cart in petite and regular, and sometimes two sizes until they discuss sizing. Then I have to decide.



Sometimes they don't discuss sizing. I check the individual sizing for this item chart, and if I still am confused I have a choice to take a chance or take it out of my cart.